after a 2 week shit storm of bad luck, i feel like things are finally,slowly, starting to inch back into my favor. im almost certain most of it was a perspective thing, in that i thought i knew what i wanted... when in reality i was glamorizing things. now that my brain is not acting like a 16 year old anymore i feel like im back in control... leave it to Alk3 to pretty much sum up how i felt
the rest of my bad luck included having a complete scumfuck spit in my face, despite the fact that i was trying to help him... who ever said trying to be nice to people never pays off... followed by a non life threatening SCUBA diving accident(2 black eyes and busted capillaries around all my whites) and not being able to go to sleep for 2 days straight thanks to my fucking awesome work schedule
day 1 of my new and improved awesome week started off with a really rad tattoo coverup... i'll more than likely get pics up soon if anyone actually reads this and wants to see it
day 1 will continue to be completely rad by me getting entirely faded tonight...

im a fucking robot

p.s. i know thats not a robot face but its close enough
p.p.s. i dont like Rigel anymore because her face is nearly identical to one of my crazy ex-girlfriends... for some reason this has been bugging me lately
edited @ 9pm on friday night
the rest of my bad luck included having a complete scumfuck spit in my face, despite the fact that i was trying to help him... who ever said trying to be nice to people never pays off... followed by a non life threatening SCUBA diving accident(2 black eyes and busted capillaries around all my whites) and not being able to go to sleep for 2 days straight thanks to my fucking awesome work schedule
day 1 of my new and improved awesome week started off with a really rad tattoo coverup... i'll more than likely get pics up soon if anyone actually reads this and wants to see it
day 1 will continue to be completely rad by me getting entirely faded tonight...

p.s. i know thats not a robot face but its close enough
p.p.s. i dont like Rigel anymore because her face is nearly identical to one of my crazy ex-girlfriends... for some reason this has been bugging me lately
edited @ 9pm on friday night