inappropriate reasons to call an ambulance...
- nightmares
- "cockroach bites"
- "crack attack"
- refills for pain meds
- your boyfriend wants to beat you up
- panic attack
- the flu or a cold
- "i'll get seen faster if i go by ambulance" (definitely not true)
- stubbed toe
- tooth ache
- headache
- you want your blood pressure checked because you're a hypochondriac, and admitting this
... just to name a few... and yes, these have all been attempted at least once
- nightmares
- "cockroach bites"
- "crack attack"
- refills for pain meds
- your boyfriend wants to beat you up
- panic attack
- the flu or a cold
- "i'll get seen faster if i go by ambulance" (definitely not true)
- stubbed toe
- tooth ache
- headache
- you want your blood pressure checked because you're a hypochondriac, and admitting this
... just to name a few... and yes, these have all been attempted at least once
I like that picture for your profile.

It's a cute face. I don't mind seeing it.