Wow, I think this website must be lucky or something. I finally broke down and registered after about 9 months of trolling through the newsfeeds w/out posting. And what should happen the day after I do so? Uncle Sam comes knockin' and says he needs me to return to the Land of the Rising Sun.
I will be moving to Tokyo in 4 months to serve out a 2nd 2-year tour in Far East Asia. I am retardedly-excited to go back "home" and can't wait to see what's new, and what's still the same. The food, the local customs, and the cultural experience of living in a foreign country are just a small part of what I will be looking forward to. Thankfully I am a bit older and a bit wiser this time around, so I can avoid the rookie mishaps I experienced the first time I was there and actually save a decent chunk o' change to carry back to America.
I'll have to register with a SGJapan group if they have one....
I will be moving to Tokyo in 4 months to serve out a 2nd 2-year tour in Far East Asia. I am retardedly-excited to go back "home" and can't wait to see what's new, and what's still the same. The food, the local customs, and the cultural experience of living in a foreign country are just a small part of what I will be looking forward to. Thankfully I am a bit older and a bit wiser this time around, so I can avoid the rookie mishaps I experienced the first time I was there and actually save a decent chunk o' change to carry back to America.
I'll have to register with a SGJapan group if they have one....
'creative" is the best compliment ever for me ^^
Thanks for the set comment, my friend. I hope that being so far away won't keep you far away from this site.