I missed playing music with Kevin. Two new songs later, faith in some kind of band goings-on is restored for December. This is good news.
Wearing a tie daily does not make up for being an aloof slacker. This is bad news.
Grave consquences. This is ugly news.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. While it's beyond me that the rape and subsequent pillaging of an indigenous civilization isn't exactly the most heart-warming foundation for a holiday, it does seem to be one of two or three times per year that we're expected to be poignant. I'm thankful for not dying, for patient friends/family, and for my ex-girlfriend's subtle metamorphosis. I just wish she were less bulemic.
Eat turkey. Sleep. Wake up Friday and call in sick. Get fired. So I can slip in and take your job, you lazy fuck. You didn't deserve it anyway. It was only yours by chance.
See you in a month for Christmas, the year's most neurotic holiday!
Wearing a tie daily does not make up for being an aloof slacker. This is bad news.
Grave consquences. This is ugly news.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. While it's beyond me that the rape and subsequent pillaging of an indigenous civilization isn't exactly the most heart-warming foundation for a holiday, it does seem to be one of two or three times per year that we're expected to be poignant. I'm thankful for not dying, for patient friends/family, and for my ex-girlfriend's subtle metamorphosis. I just wish she were less bulemic.
Eat turkey. Sleep. Wake up Friday and call in sick. Get fired. So I can slip in and take your job, you lazy fuck. You didn't deserve it anyway. It was only yours by chance.
See you in a month for Christmas, the year's most neurotic holiday!
I like Yams &
Green Bean Cassarole.
So, how did the "holiday" turn out anyways?