"Hiding in my room, safe within my womb, I touch no one and no one touches me. I am a rock. I am an island."
Every weekday morning I wake up to Gravy Train's "Hello Doctor". I go to work, where I pretend to enter pictures of medical instruments, but I really end up taking advantage of the internet connection to stay awake. I kill time until 4:30, when I go home and play video games or type on AIM to people I could care less about. Then Paul gets home, and we have brief conversation, and he scoots off to his room where he drinks away his sorrows and plays computer chess. I try to write, eventually falter, then around 1 or 2 in the morning I marvel at how fast the night went by. I try to sleep, but can't for about an hour. I wake up to Gravy Train, feeling refreshed from 4 hours of sleep, and I repeat this process for five days. The weekend comes, and I wait around for people to tell me they want to get together. Because I'm not that keen on going out all the time, inevitably, no one calls because they assume I don't want to visit anyway.
In a nutshell, this is what I do. It's called a "rut", and most people get stuck in one for part, most, or all of their lives.
Every weekday morning I wake up to Gravy Train's "Hello Doctor". I go to work, where I pretend to enter pictures of medical instruments, but I really end up taking advantage of the internet connection to stay awake. I kill time until 4:30, when I go home and play video games or type on AIM to people I could care less about. Then Paul gets home, and we have brief conversation, and he scoots off to his room where he drinks away his sorrows and plays computer chess. I try to write, eventually falter, then around 1 or 2 in the morning I marvel at how fast the night went by. I try to sleep, but can't for about an hour. I wake up to Gravy Train, feeling refreshed from 4 hours of sleep, and I repeat this process for five days. The weekend comes, and I wait around for people to tell me they want to get together. Because I'm not that keen on going out all the time, inevitably, no one calls because they assume I don't want to visit anyway.
In a nutshell, this is what I do. It's called a "rut", and most people get stuck in one for part, most, or all of their lives.
simon and garfunkel are, bye the bye, on tour. chicago is as close as they come to stl...
(damn. i;'m this durnk, and i havnt' mispelled anything. hm... mabye i can drive like this, too?)