"I have squandered my resistance on a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises."

I think the SG in the upper left corner just always makes me think of Simon and Garfunkel. So that explains it.

For a while, I'd forgotten why I don't really like taking risks.
i understand about taking risks.

i always take Kamchatcka in risk. as often as i can. that or Urkustk.

it's a very strategic country... and a wild move, surely. but you have plenty of space to fall back upon.

See, I was always told Australia and Southeast Asia were key.....
"I do declare there are times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there la lala la la...."

I am determined to make jazz-hop a real genre with a little help from my friends.

If I had more to add, I'd be an abacus.
"Hiding in my room, safe within my womb, I touch no one and no one touches me. I am a rock. I am an island."

Every weekday morning I wake up to Gravy Train's "Hello Doctor". I go to work, where I pretend to enter pictures of medical instruments, but I really end up taking advantage of the internet connection to stay awake. I kill...
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welcome to sg, w.a.t.u.

simon and garfunkel are, bye the bye, on tour. chicago is as close as they come to stl...


(damn. i;'m this durnk, and i havnt' mispelled anything. hm... mabye i can drive like this, too?)

Ha....I am so going to send attack ninjas after you in your sleep for that.