Ok, a question of S.G. protocol:
Say someone responds to your journal and you have a reply to that; do you just respond to that entry or do you write a reply in their journal? To my way of thinking, as you can see in my past journal entries, I'll just respond within my journal. To me it seems that it is analogous to a thread on a message board. What is the standard here though?
Say someone responds to your journal and you have a reply to that; do you just respond to that entry or do you write a reply in their journal? To my way of thinking, as you can see in my past journal entries, I'll just respond within my journal. To me it seems that it is analogous to a thread on a message board. What is the standard here though?
only uber-dorks comment in their own journal
ok, so maybe not - lots of people do it. But I say comment in the other person's journal - that way they have notice of it. If you comment in your own journal - no one else knows but you - but see what the masses say...