The light of the sun starts caressing the top of the tree. the tree is starting to jiggle. he spent this night in the cold, he had to stay quiet because he is so vulnerable and he didn't want to alarm a soul.Vulnerable with his feet burried in the ground, he waited for the dawn.A foreplay...the light is going to stay so long flirting and kissing with this fragile extremity,and then it's going to go down slowly, branches by branches. the tree is vibrating and starts to lose some kind of control...the convulsions are getting bigger and bigger.he knows that his core, his trunk will stay proud, clam and solid...but the rest. The warmth of the light embrasse his small details, explore the bit by bit,and slowly follows its course toward the ground pedestal.AGAINST HIS WILL, the light starts hugging him and the shaking gets bigger and bigger.It was feeling so good to move ,to be alive, to breathe,but the red, the brown and the green ornementation of his body became over sollicitated and they are starting to detach themself.They just want to fly gracefully on their own. the light reaches the ground and totally envelops the tree.
he his staying proud even if this thrill is undressing the envelop of his soul.The light has a full control on him and keep on going toward other victims. the tree is getting naked, excited, happy, alive but so anxious to become so vulnerable...Even with his loss, He can not avoid to feel excited for the little pieces of him which seem so free , rolling and running and flying around him, like a recognition, like a homage..drops of dew are loosening from them, bursting on the tree, they have a taste of tears...he is standing proud, breathing with some convulsion, he is half naked and feels cold in spite of the warmth of the light.On his trunk, between two of the strongest branches, from a little hole,like an eye or a bellybutton is straining a drop of life, a drop of sap....he is going to wait for tonight, for the dark, then he will hide, waiting for a new excitement of light.