Water problems
Here in my distant home the water company sucks. They put heavily polluted water on the grid. it smells of rotten water (i did not taste). No showering (i will when i start smelling worse then the water) or washing clothes
Local merchant up the price of bottled water 10fold. Problems expected to last 2 weeks
Here in my distant home the water company sucks. They put heavily polluted water on the grid. it smells of rotten water (i did not taste). No showering (i will when i start smelling worse then the water) or washing clothes
Local merchant up the price of bottled water 10fold. Problems expected to last 2 weeks
Ik stond bijna 7,5 jaar ingeschreven en heb de afgelopen tweenhalve maand ontzettend fanatiek gereageerd. Met resultaat: the place is mine!