Hi all,
it's a new day and a new week. hope all you beautiful people are doing alright and hopefully we'll chat real soon. peace, love, and hugs to all. X
it's a new day and a new week. hope all you beautiful people are doing alright and hopefully we'll chat real soon. peace, love, and hugs to all. X
wow sounds like a cool chat you had with him! I don't know what to say to people i admire, i think I'm gonna sound like an idiot so i tend not to say anything... I met Christian SLater a couple of years ago ( i LOVE christian slater... i really do) and i didn't know what to say that wouldn't make me sound like a total cock so i just said thank you for signing my stuff, got a photo with him and ran of! same with velvet revolver, ron jeremy and rowdy roddy piper! i am a douche
You should read the Dexter book if you like the show, it's obvious by the books are sooooo much better than the show, even tho i really do like the show. The 1 season stayed true to the book but the second just didn't at all, took him places that dexter wouldn't go!
Anyway, I love how you proceeded the line about literacy with 'lol' made me smile
Speak soon,
Em x