What a great day today. Not only is it my birthday I also found out I've got a job Woo Hoo smile smile smile
I'm in a very good mood now
Happy birthday mate! Hope you had a good one!

Congratulations on the job. smile

hi there smile
i wish u a happy birthday.
thanx for the add.
All hungover puke . After saying I'd take it easy till my birthday, went out last night and got very drunk. Why when I'm drunk do I get a craving for the dirtiest food which I'd never touch sober.
Have had a quite night after 5 days in a row of general drunkeness. Need to save myself for my birthday which I have no doubts will be a fucking messy one puke . Should be good though just a big dirty piss-up in Liverpool with all my mates smile

Computer really annoying me today, server acting up and internet very sloooooooooow!!

mad mad mad puke
This site is bloody brilliant. Why didn't I join years ago. lol