Was reading this article about The Mandela Effect
I found it quite interesting so googled a little more about it only to find a an article about C3PO's one silver leg.
In my head I thought "Fuck off, I've seen Star Wars god knows how many times over the past 30 odd years and never noticed that"
So to put mind at ease I...
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Just found a link on Cartoon Network website were you can make yourself a Powerpuff Girl.
Had to have a go and this is the result
Here's the link if you fancy a go yourself.
Just heard this on the radio on the way home from work and bloody loved it. Great lyrics, pretty much sums up how I'm feeling at the minute.
Poem - She drew the gun
The $29 leap year deal made me think "Fuck it, let's rejoin"

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Zombies killing Big Brother contestants is OK in my book.