It's criminal
There oughta be a law
So, yeah, I fucked up, and hurt someone I truly care about, and broke some things that are likely irreparable. Oops.
Turns out it's not the end of the world, though. The end of one world, maybe. The end of the world, no. I mean, it's helping me make some positive changes in myself, at least. I can't change what's done, but I can help do the right things in the future.
There oughta be a whole lot more
So, y'know, now that I'm newly single I indulged in some consumer therapy at UNI QLO and H&M, the two best clothing stores in the city. Not that I can afford it since my rent and bills are now doubling, but, hey, single in NYC, you gotta look hot all the time. Or something. I think honestly just buying things always makes me feel at least temporarily better. I got some hot shit. And apparently I am a "slim" jeans man, not a "skinny" jeans man. I never would have guessed. Guess the new job really is getting me into shape. But, like, meatier more muscular shape. Sexxxxxxxy.
You get nothing for nothing
Baby, who can you trust?
Speaking of the new job, I started at the new department today. Moved from Storage to Transportation, which is sort of the same thing, but in a truck and at galleries, museums, collectors' houses, etc., instead of in a warehouse all day. Today we moved this to MoMA storage in Long Island City. Well, actually, just a large fragment of it, since, if you read the info in the link, it was built to destroy itself. It's pretty neat. Oh, yeah, and we took a Mel Ramos painting to be restored. Supposedly it's titled Wild Girl but I can't find anything about it online or a picture of it. Basically he did awesome pop-art-ish pinups. And then we kinda just drove around and got off early. Good job so far.
I got what you want
And, baby, you got the lust
AC/DC are pretty fucking good.
Mark Kozelek's album of AC/DC covers is also pretty fucking good.
Jarvis Cocker is completely off-topic, other than himself being pretty fucking good, as well.
Hell, Joe Cocker was pretty goddamn alright, too.
If you want blood
Baby, you got it
There oughta be a law
So, yeah, I fucked up, and hurt someone I truly care about, and broke some things that are likely irreparable. Oops.
Turns out it's not the end of the world, though. The end of one world, maybe. The end of the world, no. I mean, it's helping me make some positive changes in myself, at least. I can't change what's done, but I can help do the right things in the future.
There oughta be a whole lot more
So, y'know, now that I'm newly single I indulged in some consumer therapy at UNI QLO and H&M, the two best clothing stores in the city. Not that I can afford it since my rent and bills are now doubling, but, hey, single in NYC, you gotta look hot all the time. Or something. I think honestly just buying things always makes me feel at least temporarily better. I got some hot shit. And apparently I am a "slim" jeans man, not a "skinny" jeans man. I never would have guessed. Guess the new job really is getting me into shape. But, like, meatier more muscular shape. Sexxxxxxxy.
You get nothing for nothing
Baby, who can you trust?
Speaking of the new job, I started at the new department today. Moved from Storage to Transportation, which is sort of the same thing, but in a truck and at galleries, museums, collectors' houses, etc., instead of in a warehouse all day. Today we moved this to MoMA storage in Long Island City. Well, actually, just a large fragment of it, since, if you read the info in the link, it was built to destroy itself. It's pretty neat. Oh, yeah, and we took a Mel Ramos painting to be restored. Supposedly it's titled Wild Girl but I can't find anything about it online or a picture of it. Basically he did awesome pop-art-ish pinups. And then we kinda just drove around and got off early. Good job so far.

I got what you want
And, baby, you got the lust
AC/DC are pretty fucking good.
Mark Kozelek's album of AC/DC covers is also pretty fucking good.
Jarvis Cocker is completely off-topic, other than himself being pretty fucking good, as well.
Hell, Joe Cocker was pretty goddamn alright, too.
If you want blood
Baby, you got it
There's a good reason ACDC have, by far, THE TOP SELLING RINGTONE IN THE WORLD.