Update to my condition, I finally said fuck it and went to the Hospital, turns out I have a ulcer... at 23 I have a ulcer... How? I have no idea, but it's NOT fun... So now I'm on med and a strict diet which really, really sucks.... I'm getting sick of eating pretty much nothing but salad. On the plus side I've been loosing weight to theres an upside to this... I still feel like crap on occasion though, but the doctor says it will heal as long as i stick to the diet and take my meds with a drink (I got used to dry swallowing pills which could have had a factor in this whole ulcer thing)
I'm excited for school to start up again in a week, I just hope I'm feeling better by then... OH an update to the "My ex contacted me thing" I've been thinking more about meeting up with her, I know it sounds like a terrible idea but I honestly want to see if I can do it. I mean this girl destroyed me when we broke up, so seeing if I can face her again would mean that I've grwon from it. But I dunno what to do... I haven't told my Gf about this though, she get's jelous really easily.
I think thats everything, another boring update I guess. Oh a shout out to Blazing for commenting last week Nice to know that someone actually reads this. Lol.
Till next time
I'm excited for school to start up again in a week, I just hope I'm feeling better by then... OH an update to the "My ex contacted me thing" I've been thinking more about meeting up with her, I know it sounds like a terrible idea but I honestly want to see if I can do it. I mean this girl destroyed me when we broke up, so seeing if I can face her again would mean that I've grwon from it. But I dunno what to do... I haven't told my Gf about this though, she get's jelous really easily.
I think thats everything, another boring update I guess. Oh a shout out to Blazing for commenting last week Nice to know that someone actually reads this. Lol.
Till next time