- on apex's photo
- on new sg - suggestions and future feature requests in everything sg
- on lushlex's post on watsonian12's page
- on Who is your Woman Crush Wednesday? in everything sg
- on Who is your Woman Crush Wednesday? in everything sg
- on Whos your favorite hopeful? in sg hopefuls
It’s has come to my attention that a tag I used was viewed as demeaning, cruel and/or disrespectful. Let me first off apologize to anyone who might have thought this, it was not my intentions what so ever. I have loved being apart of the SG community and have appreciated each model that has taken the time to post their sets, chat in messages or...
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Since joining this site it has definitely helped show me things I never really knew I found attractive before.
I would generally base all my attraction off ass and tits, and don’t get me wrong I still love a big ol booty and some tig o bitties.
But the more I’ve seen various sets I’ve realized that I love hair color and nail polish. Both...
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