Following on from yesterday's blog I only went to two Vehicle Shows this year. The first which was on my birthday in April was in heavy snow and the second it rained for most of the day so the photos currently being added to flickr aren't as good as I would have hoped.
I wish also that I had taken more photos of these working trucks in their heyday as whilst I like museum pieces because they represent their era I actually prefer working vehicles or exhibits generally.
I have settled into my new office base, although I manage two other teams based elsewhere this one is close to home and so far quite pleasant. The vending machine is a down side though as everything is reasonably priced except for the drinks which are free.

I wish also that I had taken more photos of these working trucks in their heyday as whilst I like museum pieces because they represent their era I actually prefer working vehicles or exhibits generally.
I have settled into my new office base, although I manage two other teams based elsewhere this one is close to home and so far quite pleasant. The vending machine is a down side though as everything is reasonably priced except for the drinks which are free.