I get a great deal of pleasure in making others happy. It's how I am. I put others first everytime over me and take very little time to think about what I should or could be doing. That is one of the main reasons I am able to tell how others are feeling, even on cam. If someone says they are Ok more often than not they aren't. If I can make someone's day I will do my best to do so.
Part of avoiding the issues around me is probably laziness and also fear. Fear of the unknown as I haven't exactly had it easy ever. It may be true that I have been sucessful and have a nice house, car and career but something is missing. I came from a single parent family as my Dad died before I was old enough to get to know him. Life was a struggle growing up and I vowed that I would do everything in my power to make sure those around me didn't have to go through what I did or had something to make them smile on the darkest of days.
All around me friends have got together, drifted apart and got back together again. In amongst them I sit wondering why I have not had the same luck that they have and why I am facing yet another Christmas without a partner. Even when I am on the bus or the tube I people watch, wondering how some couples actually met, watch their interactions in my brief inlook into their lives. That could be a book subject if I was so minded, I guess.
I have family to share Christmas with but it isn't the same. I get plenty of invites to parties but going alone to some of them just doesn't do it for me anymore, especially when I spend the evening either listening to others Housing woes or fobbing off questions as to why I am alone yet again. I will have a great lunch for Christmas but will probably be just as happy sitting online with my online friends who I spend quality time with most days against spending time in forced company offline.
It is a vicious circle, I just wish that I had more confidence in myself to break it. Don't get me wrong I am a confident and open enough person who doesn't shy from a challenge professionally yet personally I am completely differant and am totally stuck in this circle of despair.
Each year I start to make resolutions and tell myself that the new year will bge completely differant from the last one. I don't know why I get side tracked so easily and find myself towards the end of November wondering where the year went to and why I broke every resolution that I had.
Meanwhile life goes on, I continue to keep my mind filled with happy thoughts, determined to shut out any depressing thoughts of solitude because if I allow myself to dwell its "No Bueno"
To end on a happy note, I recently entered a photo competition on Orfay.com with this photograph which I have posted here before. I am over the moon that I won. No real prize just the Kudos , plus all the great comments from members and friends on here that my photos are cool , every comment means a lot so please keep them coming, thanks to all and have a very good Christmas & New Year.

Part of avoiding the issues around me is probably laziness and also fear. Fear of the unknown as I haven't exactly had it easy ever. It may be true that I have been sucessful and have a nice house, car and career but something is missing. I came from a single parent family as my Dad died before I was old enough to get to know him. Life was a struggle growing up and I vowed that I would do everything in my power to make sure those around me didn't have to go through what I did or had something to make them smile on the darkest of days.
All around me friends have got together, drifted apart and got back together again. In amongst them I sit wondering why I have not had the same luck that they have and why I am facing yet another Christmas without a partner. Even when I am on the bus or the tube I people watch, wondering how some couples actually met, watch their interactions in my brief inlook into their lives. That could be a book subject if I was so minded, I guess.
I have family to share Christmas with but it isn't the same. I get plenty of invites to parties but going alone to some of them just doesn't do it for me anymore, especially when I spend the evening either listening to others Housing woes or fobbing off questions as to why I am alone yet again. I will have a great lunch for Christmas but will probably be just as happy sitting online with my online friends who I spend quality time with most days against spending time in forced company offline.
It is a vicious circle, I just wish that I had more confidence in myself to break it. Don't get me wrong I am a confident and open enough person who doesn't shy from a challenge professionally yet personally I am completely differant and am totally stuck in this circle of despair.
Each year I start to make resolutions and tell myself that the new year will bge completely differant from the last one. I don't know why I get side tracked so easily and find myself towards the end of November wondering where the year went to and why I broke every resolution that I had.
Meanwhile life goes on, I continue to keep my mind filled with happy thoughts, determined to shut out any depressing thoughts of solitude because if I allow myself to dwell its "No Bueno"
To end on a happy note, I recently entered a photo competition on Orfay.com with this photograph which I have posted here before. I am over the moon that I won. No real prize just the Kudos , plus all the great comments from members and friends on here that my photos are cool , every comment means a lot so please keep them coming, thanks to all and have a very good Christmas & New Year.

Of course it won! It's beautiful! I couldn't agree more with Joce..It's only time.. You truely are one of the most genuine caring people on here and everyone recognized it..It's only time until you find someone worthy of you

thanx for the kudos with my snowman piccy he was awesome.man i miss summer already