I've been reading about John Titor once again today. I haven't read it for many months but we were discussing time travel in work (as you do) and I mentioned him to a colleague, so I looked up the site to show him. Then I read it again in the context of today.
I want to find someone who can verify the dates of these alleged postings before I get concerned. Especially considering these postings:
1. The 6th paragraph of November 07, 2000 21:23
2. The answer to Q5 on November 15, 2000 14:12
3. All of November 15, 2000 14:20
4. Paragraphs 7 + 8 of November 21, 2000 10:41
5. Paragraphs 2 + 3 of 03 January 2001 13:47
6. The answer to 'Do you have any fears?' on 02-19-2001 01:14 PM
7. The answer to the 3rd group of questions on 19 February 2001 16:01
8. The answer to 'What have you learned the most from the people of this board?' on 19 February 2001 16:01
9. Most of 02-21-2001 04:22 PM, especially the response to 'Will you readily be able to identify the enemy?'
10. The last sentence of the answer to the first question on 02-27-2001 10:15 AM
What do you think?
I want to find someone who can verify the dates of these alleged postings before I get concerned. Especially considering these postings:
1. The 6th paragraph of November 07, 2000 21:23
2. The answer to Q5 on November 15, 2000 14:12
3. All of November 15, 2000 14:20
4. Paragraphs 7 + 8 of November 21, 2000 10:41
5. Paragraphs 2 + 3 of 03 January 2001 13:47
6. The answer to 'Do you have any fears?' on 02-19-2001 01:14 PM
7. The answer to the 3rd group of questions on 19 February 2001 16:01
8. The answer to 'What have you learned the most from the people of this board?' on 19 February 2001 16:01
9. Most of 02-21-2001 04:22 PM, especially the response to 'Will you readily be able to identify the enemy?'
10. The last sentence of the answer to the first question on 02-27-2001 10:15 AM

What do you think?
1. First of all, this is assuming that Russia's nukes work, which most of them don't. And considering that the American Federated Empire or whatever doesn't exist now, it's hard to imagine how it could both form and foment a civil war at some point within the next 13 months. Seems unlikely to me.
2. That's a rather arrogant answer - depending on who you ask, I'm sure lots of people could come up with criteria for establishing who should or shouldn't live, but it's unlikely that two people will ever have exactly the same criteria, or that any of them will make any sense.
3. Sounds like he's dodging the questions to me.
4. Sounds to me like he's rather into generalizations and oversimplifications. Sure, some people do that sort of stupid shit, but not everyone.
5. Actually his physics (and "z-field compression") is completely bunk, which I think is the basis for rejecting the whole thing outright.
OK, I don't have time to go through the rest of this, but I think it's basically just the rantings of someone who believes that they can influence people's opinions by more of the same - fear mongering and lies. Just like the Bush adminstration. Play on people's fears of a universal armageddon in the hopes that they'll adjust their lives to more closely fit whatever warped ideal happens to be in that person's head.