Well, the wondrous sexiness of the three day weekend is over.
Am I wrong in thinking that every weekend should be three days long? Or indeed that the status quo should be flipped on it's head, and that we could all be working 2 days out of seven and partying for the rest of the time? Sounds very civilised to me. I ate a LOT of barbecue this weekend. There were barbecues going down all over. It's one of the indicators that summer (or five minutes of sunshine) has arrived in England. Should the sun peek out from behind the clouds for more than ten seconds, then you'd better get your arse down to your local food and drink emporium as quickly as possible, because barbecue fever spreads more ferociously than the T-Virus or Swine Flu. If you dawdle, you'll be greeted by nothing but empty shelves, and traumatised employees. English people are savages when the sun comes out. Anyway, like I said - I've eaten a LOT of barbecue over the past few days. I'm going to be paying for it.
I LOVE castles. I'm a big history buff, so any chance I get to walk round a crumbling ruin is fine by me. I do find castles especially sexy, though. Luckily for me we have lots of 'em over here, and I spent part of the weekend walking round the beautiful city of Lincoln with friends, and gawping at both the castle and the cathedral.

I spent a couple of years in Lincoln eons ago as a student, studying at the art college before I went off to university. Great times. So it's always nice to go back and be reminded of my frisky youth. Lincoln cathedral became world famous as one of the interior locations used in the filming of the Da Vinci Code, because Ron Howard and the boys couldn't get permission to film inside certain parts of Westminster Cathedral - so Lincoln was substituted. Tom Hanks stayed in a quaint old hotel just round the corner. Apparently, he really is a lovely bloke. It's not an act.
Good old Tom.
Am I wrong in thinking that every weekend should be three days long? Or indeed that the status quo should be flipped on it's head, and that we could all be working 2 days out of seven and partying for the rest of the time? Sounds very civilised to me. I ate a LOT of barbecue this weekend. There were barbecues going down all over. It's one of the indicators that summer (or five minutes of sunshine) has arrived in England. Should the sun peek out from behind the clouds for more than ten seconds, then you'd better get your arse down to your local food and drink emporium as quickly as possible, because barbecue fever spreads more ferociously than the T-Virus or Swine Flu. If you dawdle, you'll be greeted by nothing but empty shelves, and traumatised employees. English people are savages when the sun comes out. Anyway, like I said - I've eaten a LOT of barbecue over the past few days. I'm going to be paying for it.
I LOVE castles. I'm a big history buff, so any chance I get to walk round a crumbling ruin is fine by me. I do find castles especially sexy, though. Luckily for me we have lots of 'em over here, and I spent part of the weekend walking round the beautiful city of Lincoln with friends, and gawping at both the castle and the cathedral.

I spent a couple of years in Lincoln eons ago as a student, studying at the art college before I went off to university. Great times. So it's always nice to go back and be reminded of my frisky youth. Lincoln cathedral became world famous as one of the interior locations used in the filming of the Da Vinci Code, because Ron Howard and the boys couldn't get permission to film inside certain parts of Westminster Cathedral - so Lincoln was substituted. Tom Hanks stayed in a quaint old hotel just round the corner. Apparently, he really is a lovely bloke. It's not an act.
Good old Tom.
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