I woke up late and couldn't spike my hawk for the last day of school and freak out my principal. So instead of the hawk...

I was Joe Normal...

But at least I don't look like this

And now there's only two, count 'em, two, days left until summer vacation! I can write, write, write, write, write. 1,000 words a day, yay!
Anyone with cool summer plans?
i am going to chicago for 4th of july weekend, to eat good food and see some rock and roll. and i'm going to st. louis two weekends after that. to go to 6 Flags Magic Mountain. and run around in my swimsuit and a skirt. and have so much fun. and then i am going to austin in august. to again put on the swimsuit and run through the sprinklers...
why do i have to travel so far away to have fun in the sun? because i need loved ones to share it with!
what are YOU doing for the summer?
p.s. thank you for the comment on my photoset. made me smile!