1. Have you ever been in love? how about if at the time i thought i was but looking back... ok yes i was but i fuck everything up for myself.
2. Do you still talk to that person? yes
3. Do you think you will ever get married? probalby
4. Do you want to? sure, it doesn't mean i have to stay married.
5. Will you marry me? umm... probably not.
6. Are you going out with someone? no
7. Sexuality: girls are fun to fuck around with but i couldn't be in a real relationship with one, purely sexual
9. Do you feel jaded at the moment? no
WHAT HAPPENED TO NUMBER 10... who keep deleteing the fucking questions?
11. Do your crushes know how you feel about them? i dunno.
BODY MODIFICATION (include details!)
13. Do you have any piercings? yes, conches, stretched lobes, tongue, navel x2, wrists, nipples, triangle, horizontal hood.
14. Do you have any tattoos? sure, 2 stars, 2 guns, "breaks hearts", lenore, 6 jhonen vasquez sillouttes, and 2 dumb words which are so small you dont see them and will soon be GONE
15. Do you have any brands? umm not the kind you are thinking of... but i took a curling iron to my leg once. and have about 50 cigarette burns ... think they are finally starting to fade though.
16. Do you have any self-inflicted scars? see above. as well as 11 cuts from a hack saw, cuts from razor blades serrated knives, scissors... but most are going away thankfully.
17. Do you have any implants? no, but i might want some around where my wrist piercings are cuase i think i'm taking those out.
19. Give me a complete list of your future ideas/goals: ummm more tattoos. stretch lobes maybe. outer labia maybe. wrist implants maybe.
20. Are you a virgin? absolutely... i'm saving myself.
22. Have you had an orgy? no
23. Have you had a threesome? yes...i mean no i don't have sex
24. Have you had group sex? see question number 22 since this is the SAME FUCKING QUESTION.
25. Have you had mutual masturbation? no i think it's wrong to have any contact with other people or yourself.
26. If no, do you want to? YOUR ALL GOING TO HELL
27. If yes, do you regret it? i don't play with regret.
28. Do you believe in premarital sex? yes.
29. Do you wish you or your partner were more experimental? reverse that.
30. Have you had any lesbian experiences? yes, for an example please see here... http://www.actvsdei.com/~booshanky/prob/kiss.jpg
31. Do you want more, or do you want to? yes...
36. What is your real name? nicole
37. What do you prefer people call you? nicole, evalyn
38. Nicknames: nope
39. What would you change your name to, if you could? what?
40. Do you like your given name? sure
41. Why or why not? cuase i like to kick people
42. Eye colour: olive green
43. Natural hair colour: somesort of brown
44. Your hair colour right now: black back red front
46. Next hair colour: black or red or both but never blonde
47. Your hair cut: poorly and needs a fixin
48. Are you tall or short? 5 4 ish
49. Do you wear a lot of make-up? not much
50. What type (not brand)? eyeshadow lip stickCLOTHES
51. Bra size (if you feel comfortable): i dont wear bras ever.
52. What colours dominate your closet or drawers? red and black used to .. but now it's pretty varied.
53. What colour do people say you look best in? red or black
54. Do you love shoes (or is it just me)? yup i have over 60 pairs.
55. How many pairs do you have? umm over 60
56. What are your favourite pairs? the black sneakers with the red spikes, the white boots, my red deisel sneakers, the heels with the interesting pattern that don't match anything
57. How many bras do you own? maybe one
58. How many pairs of panties do you own? TONS i love shopping for shit like this.
59. How many pairs of boxers do you own? 2 maybe? they were probably just left here though... i tried to steal the coffee boxers i used to always have to wear them when i was all coming down from being coked up.. but i wasn't too successful in stealing them.
60. What is your favourite thing to wear? skirts thigh highs tank tops, or jeans and a cute shirt with a fun belt buckle.
61. Are you more of a comfy or 4 looks clothes person? it depends on my mood.
62. Do you have any pets? 2 dogs 2 beta fish 1 bird
64. What are their names and sexes? luna, sushi, semore, bruce2, spike
65. Who is your closest friend? i have a few
66. Who are the people in your closest group of friends? list list lsit i hate making lists.
67. Who do you wish you were closer to? death,
68. Is there someone you wish would apologize to you? no i wish i could just fucking kick them in the teeth about 50 times.
69. Which one of your friends have you known the longest? elissa maybe.
70. Which one of your friends do you think is the most beautiful? i'm only friends with beautiful people haha.
81. Been in a car crash? yea
82. Why did it happen? cause the fucking cops in albany are ASSHOLES and like to drive into my car and then give ME a fucking ticket. 10000 dollars worth of damage.
83. Broken a bone? no
84. What did you break? your skull
85. Had surgery? yes
86. For what reason? killing life, biopsies
87. Had braces? no
88. Been to a rave? Yes
89. Which ones? uhh i dunno i was never a raver.
90. Been to a concert? lots
91. Which ones? fuckoff
92. Killed an animal? if i did it wasn't on purpose and i dunno about it. i drove over a dead deer once though my car smell like rotting flesh after that i blame jeff.
94. Hurt an animal? who do you think i am
95. Was it on purpose? blahblahblah
96. Why did you do it? fuck off
97. Been in a fight? yes
98. Been beaten up? yes
99. Beaten someone else up? yes
100. Been in a cat fight? yes
101. Who won? it was broken up
102. Had thoughts about kiling someone? yes
103. Done drugs? plenty
104. Gotten drunk? yea i've done that
105. Done hard core drugs? haha what are hardcore drugs? like things that aren't pot? i hate pot. yuck. anyway... yes.
106. Smoked cigarettes? yup for years then i quit. now only when i'm drunk
107. Committed a crime? yes
108. What was it? shoplifting, attempted murder, public nudity, possession of illegal substances, speeding, not pulling over when being followed by a cop car.
109. Been sent away from home? yes
110. Kicked out of your house? yes
111. By who? my mom
112. Why? 1. cause i pierced my tongue when i was like 16 2. because i'm don't respect her and keep getting more tattoos.
113. What was it like? it was a fucking pain in the ass. the first time i lived at sara's and the second time me an the dog got kicked out and stayed in brooklyn then i snuck back in.
114. What happened in the end? nothing everyone just pretends everything is fine.
115. Run a red light? yea .... and one time i got hit by a car after running a red light.
116. Gotten a ticket? yes a bunch. the best of which was going 97 in a 75 in florida when i was really going 110, and then elissa got one 40 minutes later when we switched who was driving. on the same road. fuck florida
117. Do you have a drivers license? yes
118. Do you have a permit? no
119. If no, why not: i have a license
1. Have you ever been in love? how about if at the time i thought i was but looking back... ok yes i was but i fuck everything up for myself.
2. Do you still talk to that person? yes
3. Do you think you will ever get married? probalby
4. Do you want to? sure, it doesn't mean i have to stay married.
5. Will you marry me? umm... probably not.
6. Are you going out with someone? no
7. Sexuality: girls are fun to fuck around with but i couldn't be in a real relationship with one, purely sexual
9. Do you feel jaded at the moment? no
WHAT HAPPENED TO NUMBER 10... who keep deleteing the fucking questions?
11. Do your crushes know how you feel about them? i dunno.
BODY MODIFICATION (include details!)
13. Do you have any piercings? yes, conches, stretched lobes, tongue, navel x2, wrists, nipples, triangle, horizontal hood.
14. Do you have any tattoos? sure, 2 stars, 2 guns, "breaks hearts", lenore, 6 jhonen vasquez sillouttes, and 2 dumb words which are so small you dont see them and will soon be GONE
15. Do you have any brands? umm not the kind you are thinking of... but i took a curling iron to my leg once. and have about 50 cigarette burns ... think they are finally starting to fade though.
16. Do you have any self-inflicted scars? see above. as well as 11 cuts from a hack saw, cuts from razor blades serrated knives, scissors... but most are going away thankfully.
17. Do you have any implants? no, but i might want some around where my wrist piercings are cuase i think i'm taking those out.
19. Give me a complete list of your future ideas/goals: ummm more tattoos. stretch lobes maybe. outer labia maybe. wrist implants maybe.
20. Are you a virgin? absolutely... i'm saving myself.
22. Have you had an orgy? no
23. Have you had a threesome? yes...i mean no i don't have sex
24. Have you had group sex? see question number 22 since this is the SAME FUCKING QUESTION.
25. Have you had mutual masturbation? no i think it's wrong to have any contact with other people or yourself.
26. If no, do you want to? YOUR ALL GOING TO HELL
27. If yes, do you regret it? i don't play with regret.
28. Do you believe in premarital sex? yes.
29. Do you wish you or your partner were more experimental? reverse that.
30. Have you had any lesbian experiences? yes, for an example please see here... http://www.actvsdei.com/~booshanky/prob/kiss.jpg
31. Do you want more, or do you want to? yes...
36. What is your real name? nicole
37. What do you prefer people call you? nicole, evalyn
38. Nicknames: nope
39. What would you change your name to, if you could? what?
40. Do you like your given name? sure
41. Why or why not? cuase i like to kick people
42. Eye colour: olive green
43. Natural hair colour: somesort of brown
44. Your hair colour right now: black back red front
46. Next hair colour: black or red or both but never blonde
47. Your hair cut: poorly and needs a fixin
48. Are you tall or short? 5 4 ish
49. Do you wear a lot of make-up? not much
50. What type (not brand)? eyeshadow lip stickCLOTHES
51. Bra size (if you feel comfortable): i dont wear bras ever.
52. What colours dominate your closet or drawers? red and black used to .. but now it's pretty varied.
53. What colour do people say you look best in? red or black
54. Do you love shoes (or is it just me)? yup i have over 60 pairs.
55. How many pairs do you have? umm over 60
56. What are your favourite pairs? the black sneakers with the red spikes, the white boots, my red deisel sneakers, the heels with the interesting pattern that don't match anything
57. How many bras do you own? maybe one
58. How many pairs of panties do you own? TONS i love shopping for shit like this.
59. How many pairs of boxers do you own? 2 maybe? they were probably just left here though... i tried to steal the coffee boxers i used to always have to wear them when i was all coming down from being coked up.. but i wasn't too successful in stealing them.
60. What is your favourite thing to wear? skirts thigh highs tank tops, or jeans and a cute shirt with a fun belt buckle.
61. Are you more of a comfy or 4 looks clothes person? it depends on my mood.
62. Do you have any pets? 2 dogs 2 beta fish 1 bird
64. What are their names and sexes? luna, sushi, semore, bruce2, spike
65. Who is your closest friend? i have a few
66. Who are the people in your closest group of friends? list list lsit i hate making lists.
67. Who do you wish you were closer to? death,
68. Is there someone you wish would apologize to you? no i wish i could just fucking kick them in the teeth about 50 times.
69. Which one of your friends have you known the longest? elissa maybe.
70. Which one of your friends do you think is the most beautiful? i'm only friends with beautiful people haha.
81. Been in a car crash? yea
82. Why did it happen? cause the fucking cops in albany are ASSHOLES and like to drive into my car and then give ME a fucking ticket. 10000 dollars worth of damage.
83. Broken a bone? no
84. What did you break? your skull
85. Had surgery? yes
86. For what reason? killing life, biopsies
87. Had braces? no
88. Been to a rave? Yes
89. Which ones? uhh i dunno i was never a raver.
90. Been to a concert? lots
91. Which ones? fuckoff
92. Killed an animal? if i did it wasn't on purpose and i dunno about it. i drove over a dead deer once though my car smell like rotting flesh after that i blame jeff.
94. Hurt an animal? who do you think i am
95. Was it on purpose? blahblahblah
96. Why did you do it? fuck off
97. Been in a fight? yes
98. Been beaten up? yes
99. Beaten someone else up? yes
100. Been in a cat fight? yes
101. Who won? it was broken up
102. Had thoughts about kiling someone? yes
103. Done drugs? plenty
104. Gotten drunk? yea i've done that
105. Done hard core drugs? haha what are hardcore drugs? like things that aren't pot? i hate pot. yuck. anyway... yes.
106. Smoked cigarettes? yup for years then i quit. now only when i'm drunk
107. Committed a crime? yes
108. What was it? shoplifting, attempted murder, public nudity, possession of illegal substances, speeding, not pulling over when being followed by a cop car.
109. Been sent away from home? yes
110. Kicked out of your house? yes
111. By who? my mom
112. Why? 1. cause i pierced my tongue when i was like 16 2. because i'm don't respect her and keep getting more tattoos.
113. What was it like? it was a fucking pain in the ass. the first time i lived at sara's and the second time me an the dog got kicked out and stayed in brooklyn then i snuck back in.
114. What happened in the end? nothing everyone just pretends everything is fine.
115. Run a red light? yea .... and one time i got hit by a car after running a red light.
116. Gotten a ticket? yes a bunch. the best of which was going 97 in a 75 in florida when i was really going 110, and then elissa got one 40 minutes later when we switched who was driving. on the same road. fuck florida
117. Do you have a drivers license? yes
118. Do you have a permit? no
119. If no, why not: i have a license
you filled it out first, miss cool-ass injury photo! 

it's death .. i'm gong to wake up and feel liek ass tomorrow top less ass.