Did you get the new Apparat Programme allmusicpodcastthingy yet? You can direct download the mp3 with this. Or you can go here to play it right in your browser, using the little "play" button that magically appears next to every mp3 on my website. It is Magic. Fuck Grant Morrison. I'm King Of The Magicians now. Interweb Magic. Yes. On your fucking knees. I would let you send tribute to my email address, but, um, it doesn't seem to be working too well right now. I blame Christians.
Stop looking at me like that.
Stop looking at me like that.
AOL's great for travel, and provide a cheap and very reliable 2MB line with no cap. It's not like I use the AOL front end or anything...
All ISPs are wank, anyway. It's just a question of finding the least wank ones.