We would sit down and think which way
To walk, and pass our long love's day;
Thou by the Indian Ganges' side
Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide
Of Humber... Read More
If ever a pay porn site sends you a link you should always click on it, especially if it promises you free shit. I did and now I'm here. Not sure how I feel about that.
Now for some gratuitous filth (you have been warned):
So I was sitting around the flat on a Thursday evening and decided to act out my favourite bible scene. It's the same scene I've acted out every day since I was 12, Onan spilling his seed.
So I'm on the web looking for encouragement. Luckily by this time my computer knows what to do without... Read More
So this is my first timeon SG in about a month owing to me having to access my internerd in Starbucks. If you've never experienced the sheer joy that is dealing with British Telecom for phone and broadband services you have never lived.
I would love to say I really missed the site but I find I haven't. I don't mean this in a big... Read More
man I wish I could be unemployed. or self-employed, at least. or.. employed in pretty much any other fashion than I am at the moment.
you're not nearly too old for SG. there are 60-year-olds around here. the ennui you feel has nothing to do with age; my enthusiasm for the site comes and goes, and I think that's how most people are. I rarely even look at the sets anymore. I'm just here for the GREAT COMMUNITY AND LIVELY POLITICAL DEBATES.
I have decided to come out of the closet. Up until now I have lived a secret life of shame, but now I am out and I'm proud.
I am, much as it will sadden you all, a non-liberal, un-leftist, anti-Democrat, Republican. Sure, I have a libertarian bent and believe in low tax, low regulation, personal responsibility and strong defense, rather than the usual raft... Read More
I new if I didn't post for months there would be a public outcry (or in this case dead silence).
Well what's new with me, I pretend to hear you ask. I have handed in my notice at work, am about to go on vacation to NY and plan on drinking myself to sanity again. Hoorah! The perfect plan.
I didn't even realize he fled to France. douche chill
Also, Is France like, advertising in the Scientology newsletter as the place for pseudo ex-pat-celebs to go or something? That's got to be their main source of income at this point.
I'm glad you liked the picture. I uploaded it for my buddy cunninglinquist who also has a very interesting pic you might like. Go check it out. I was afraid a lot of people would send me hate mail over that pic, but everyone has liked it so far.
I am clearly missing the blogger gene. Perhaps everyone born before 1985 is.
I never eat a cheese sandwhich and post the fact on the web, or notice my armpits look a little like Abe Vigoda and assume there is an audience primed for this update. I read everyone else's blogs and say 'how delightful' or 'poor dear' depending on whether your poodle just learned... Read More
I get to go on vacation tomorrow. Yeah me. If anyone has ever been to Belize and wants to give any top tips please do.
"Belize" I hear you say. "Formerly British Honduras, famous for it's Jaguars and unregulated banking practices," you continue. "Why have you chosen to visit there instead of, say, Disneyland Paris or Botswana"?
The world's second largest barrier reef, jungles, pyramids... Read More