HELL CITY PHOENIX....is in the works....talk about last minute, but that's how I roll...what can I say.
I'll be there with AARONIS...you should get tattooed by him...he's pretty sweet.
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?....aka Warning....
In Philly/South Jersey.
Spent some time in NYC/Brooklyn....had an interesting day of metro transit that consisted of a Chinatown bus from Philly to NYC....a cab around NYC....and 2 trains to Brooklyn......I drank vodka on the streets and stole a hat from a drunk kid passed out on the subway...oh and had the most amazing slice of pizza I've ever had in my life.
I'll be here til the weekend....give me a shout.
Check these out::
Atom Smokes
Legal smoking indoors, cancer free and amazing. And they don't stink up your shit....WIN!
Mention my name when you order....
Panda's Vintage
Saved my fucking life in LA and have amazing vintage clothes priced reasonably....and FREE shipping!
Where to next?....guess....
HELL CITY PHOENIX....is in the works....talk about last minute, but that's how I roll...what can I say.
I'll be there with AARONIS...you should get tattooed by him...he's pretty sweet.
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?....aka Warning....
In Philly/South Jersey.
Spent some time in NYC/Brooklyn....had an interesting day of metro transit that consisted of a Chinatown bus from Philly to NYC....a cab around NYC....and 2 trains to Brooklyn......I drank vodka on the streets and stole a hat from a drunk kid passed out on the subway...oh and had the most amazing slice of pizza I've ever had in my life.
I'll be here til the weekend....give me a shout.
Check these out::
Atom Smokes
Legal smoking indoors, cancer free and amazing. And they don't stink up your shit....WIN!
Mention my name when you order....
Panda's Vintage
Saved my fucking life in LA and have amazing vintage clothes priced reasonably....and FREE shipping!
Where to next?....guess....
Hell yeah, that's how we do it!
Actually, I love incessant ramblings.
Thanks, but there is no more "situation" hence the bad day yesterday
We shall try. try, again though. That's the fun part