One week for a new blog, GEEZ.
As I sit here eating A-1 Steak Sauce Beef Jerky...I am asking myself, why relationships? They are a total fucking crapshoot, and why do we continually subject ourselves to the torturous nature of them? I look at some people and I outright fucking envy it too much to ask to find a nice mate? It is, it really fucking is. Just when you think you've got a really good one, you know what , just never think that and you'll be good. And Im SOOOO tired of everyone's fucking absolutely cliche answers about heartbreak and what not....I wish someone had a real solution....but I know what you're thinking..."You've got starry eyes my friend"....yes I do have starry eyes, and Im tired of it. I never thought I would be this girl....and why don't I learn???????? Usually when something is really bad for you you stop doing IT! Like....we know not to touch the stove when it's on because it will burn us....well I would rather not touch relationships...Im a fool for not realizing sooner. I would rather be alone then feel the feelings that I've felt in this past week. Going live was supposed to be WONDERFUL! Which, don't get me wrong, it was amazing, but bittersweet at the same time....
What an absolute fucking conundrum....
YAY for Motor City....I can't wait to go learn some shit and have some fun....I need it!
As I sit here eating A-1 Steak Sauce Beef Jerky...I am asking myself, why relationships? They are a total fucking crapshoot, and why do we continually subject ourselves to the torturous nature of them? I look at some people and I outright fucking envy it too much to ask to find a nice mate? It is, it really fucking is. Just when you think you've got a really good one, you know what , just never think that and you'll be good. And Im SOOOO tired of everyone's fucking absolutely cliche answers about heartbreak and what not....I wish someone had a real solution....but I know what you're thinking..."You've got starry eyes my friend"....yes I do have starry eyes, and Im tired of it. I never thought I would be this girl....and why don't I learn???????? Usually when something is really bad for you you stop doing IT! Like....we know not to touch the stove when it's on because it will burn us....well I would rather not touch relationships...Im a fool for not realizing sooner. I would rather be alone then feel the feelings that I've felt in this past week. Going live was supposed to be WONDERFUL! Which, don't get me wrong, it was amazing, but bittersweet at the same time....
What an absolute fucking conundrum....
YAY for Motor City....I can't wait to go learn some shit and have some fun....I need it!
You're young, you have plenty more fingers to be bashed with a hammer, i hate to tell you that, but it's kind of the truth.
On a more important subject. A-1 Steak Sauce jerky rules my face. If i could exist on a sole diet of it, i would. But i don't think it would be good for me.
I wish you the best hun! and i will send some positive vibes your way!!
and be happy, you're LIVE! dammit, you're beautiful and you're LIVE! A lot of girls are just wishing for that!