Gah! My laptop's been in the shop for forever, and my grades are sucking more cock than the local crackwhores. And no, those two news items are not mutually exclusive. I haven't had my laptop and it's really preventing me from doing a lot of my school work and studying because i'm always on the go. And I usually only log on to SG on my laptop as I'm hurriedly typing this update so the lab attendents don't bust me. Well, I'm thinking about switching my major to nursing. I'm thinking of either e.r. or cardio. I'm also weighing the option of just quiting because I hate school that much and I'm sick and tired of it and it's grinding me down something fierce. Well, if anyone actually reads this shit, let me know your thoughts. My brain hurts and I'm tired of thinking. Therefore I'll let you do it for me. oh, and by the way, my 21st birthday sucked. I stayed at home and ate w/ my mom, stepdad, grandma, sis, and g/f. the cake sucked. I've yet to get drunk, bought only one six pack that I didn't get to drink, and spent most of this week making sure everyone else celebrating my birthday didn't die. was a fucking blast. grrrrr.