after two years of punishment, i finally got the braces i subjected myself to off today. i feel fucking great! my mouth feels wonderful and my teeth are imacculately straight! wow, i can't even concentrate i feel so good. fuck yeah!

i think that's the mantra of everyone over the age of 25 living much as i make fun of it, i really love stillwater...i'm going to cape cod tomorrow for spring break and i'm totally bummed to leave...drop me a comment if anything major happpens in town while I'm gone...

thank you for the comment. for some reason I always get a springtime depression, plus i am irritated at my boyfriend. I seriously need a hobby. I am moving in with him in may and I start rotations in the fall. we had an argument this weekend b/c he works all the time (70hrs wk). this has been an issue for a long time and im just all in a tangle. however, i am happy to hear you got your braces off. I had them for two years (serious buck teeth) unfortunately mine have shifted some, but other people seem to think my teeth look nice so they are definitely worth it and im sure your teeth look wondermous. I am happy your happy. how is the whole dui thing. I got 100 hrs comm. service and 8 month probation so that i can take it off my record sooner rather than later. no word yet on the license thing but wish me luck cuz im gonna need it. take care LuJo