october already...fuckin' a! grad school is going well, work is going well, going to seriously miss weekends hangin on the boat but fall weather will hopefully make up for it, yeah...uh nothing else...late
wow, 28 years old...this sucks, i totally have peter pan complex (i really don't want to grow up!), but whatever. i had a good time on my birthday and i didn't even get drunk- i am getting old. my homeboy and i squeezed in 9 holes of golf before god called out his dogs(hella rainstorm) and cut our day short...i shot better than i had...
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I have a walk in closet, so there is room for plenty more shoes. I actually just bought two new pairs on Sunday, one of which I am wearing right now. Ahhh, the joy of new shoes. How come something so silly makes me so happy?
got a new puppy...he's the shit! ernesto the wonder dog...post some pics soon.
New puppies are great, as long as they don't eat your shoes.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, lovey...

wow, i feel like i never update this thing...what's new - almost finished moving, been smoking too much, saw ryan adams in dallas (great fucking show!), broken foot still hurts, been sleeping with my ex again (we are getting along really well for the first time in a long time), planning trip to austin (sxsw), happy to see joey cape interview (lagwagon and ba fuckin...
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Yeah, it sucks we didn't get to hang out, but that gives you a reason to come to Boston, right?
I actually miss Stillwater a bit...Only for a few minutes, and then I come to my senses...
I will work on trying to find a wealthy family in Boston to adopt you...
I actually miss Stillwater a bit...Only for a few minutes, and then I come to my senses...
I will work on trying to find a wealthy family in Boston to adopt you...

I agree.
I think my cousin lives in Stillwater. Or maybe its Mcallister. Either way there are redneck assholes all over that state. I'm sorry you have to put up with them.
I think my cousin lives in Stillwater. Or maybe its Mcallister. Either way there are redneck assholes all over that state. I'm sorry you have to put up with them.
do you ever feel that life is so up in the air that any decision you make will be the wrong one? fuck i hate this feeling! do i finish my masters degree? do i move to denver? do i take the girl back and try to make things work? i think my head may fucking explode! all this and my lease is running out...
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oh dude, I know...I was really fucking dumb...
no golf this week for me, because it is so humid, I feel like my skin is wet everytime I step outside...it's so gross and sticky...
no golf this week for me, because it is so humid, I feel like my skin is wet everytime I step outside...it's so gross and sticky...
I thought about getting in touch with you last week when an sg friend came to stillwater to visit, but you know, you're never around...Hopefully between my packing and you being busy w/ geographer or whatever, we can make time for a drink soon...405-617-2546...I'm pretty sure that's my number, I never dial it, so you know...

well, i have decided to cut my hours at work and go back to graduate school to finish my master's degree. ultimately several reasons prompted the decision but the underlying fact is that i am getting older and feel that my life has grown somewhat stagnant. it is definitely time for a positive change.
on another note - i am moving into a new house...
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on another note - i am moving into a new house...
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Good luck with Grad School. I never had the patience ( or $) for school. I'd offer to help you move but I'm too far away. (perfect excuse he-he)
new ryan adams cd is amazing...best thing i've heard all year.
My friend who stayed to watch a bit of the Rejects said Tyson was the skinniest. guy. ever. Like, heroin fiend-looking. All I know was their merch wall had a hoochie skirt with AAR on it labeled as "TYSON'S FAVE!" so um...yes, I would agree with the douchebag label for him. That's gay sauce.
did you get my bobby riggs reference? everyone has been asking me who the fuck I'm talking about...
I'm totally going to kick your ass...osu's tennis courts will never be the same...
join my group...
I'm totally going to kick your ass...osu's tennis courts will never be the same...
join my group...

great band from texas - www.41gorgeousblocks.com
you are cordially invitited to the five o'clcok free crack giveaway...

you are cordially invitited to the five o'clcok free crack giveaway...

Well I can't say anything about the music, because I don't have speakers for my computer. But the guys with all the tattoos and sideburns looks pretty hot.

does anyone out there know a miracle cure for broken foot? i hate walking on crutches. oh, does anyone know a cure for crazy ex-girlfriends - i hate being stalked.
This is the only person with a miracle cure for broken bones...
If you spent a little bit more attention on your sg homies, you might know where they're from...
stalking doesn't really bother me...anytime I get an opportunity to use someone for unreciprocated oral sex, I take it...make lemonade out of lemons...

This is the only person with a miracle cure for broken bones...
If you spent a little bit more attention on your sg homies, you might know where they're from...

stalking doesn't really bother me...anytime I get an opportunity to use someone for unreciprocated oral sex, I take it...make lemonade out of lemons...

I do not know how I got so lucky with that game...the wind was absolutely fucking perfect, I borrowed the most amazing clubs ever, and I was praying really hard...It's far better than I usually do...
do I need to pretend to be your crazy, jealous girlfriend to scare your stalker...as you now know, I can swing a golf club like a fucking pro...I charge by the hour for anti-stalker protection...
do you play in stillwater?
do I need to pretend to be your crazy, jealous girlfriend to scare your stalker...as you now know, I can swing a golf club like a fucking pro...I charge by the hour for anti-stalker protection...
do you play in stillwater?
life is good once again - last night really helped me deal with the stress of the previous week. it was a good friend's birthday and a small group of us roamed the neighborhood drinking beer in the rain - can life get any better than that? oh yeah, and i got to watch my friend get a haircut in the dark, it turned out...
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well, if a blonde girl with ponytail told you to shut up and called you an asshole...that wasn't me...

The whole haircut in the dark thing is really amusing, but if it was "really" dark, how did you watch? Hope things are going well. LuJo
I bumped "Freedom" this morning, so I'm probably not the right person to ask!
Glad to here grad school is going well...I had to catch the train at 8 this morning and I swear to you, I thought, "Maybe I should have stayed at OSU."