I like this boy..he likes me. and some times things are nice. Like spending 4 days together. he was a total gentleman. we exchanged gifts. My "filler" gift was a nifty gameboy advance. now, i'm addicted to that shit. Apparently my "real gift" is in Madison somewhere and I have to help him find it when we go back.
monday brings me back to the real world. no more ticklewars. just work and study.
i'm back in the loop though because i got a new cell phone from santa. h00t h00t! now i can be reached 24-7.
monday brings me back to the real world. no more ticklewars. just work and study.
i'm back in the loop though because i got a new cell phone from santa. h00t h00t! now i can be reached 24-7.
hope everything works out with the guy