the water was too cold for swimming. so we opted for scrabble at the coffee shop. drank quite a few fat tires, which were the piggyback of several margaritas. decided to retire to Golden for the night after the shenanigans in the mitsubishi. jake was going 75 in a 55. thanks to sneeker's booze breath, the cop thought j was drinking and gave him a field sobriety test, which proved he was indeed, cold sober. the pig was so disappointed that he wasn't drunk, he let him get off with a speeding warning too.
you should all go check out Cataract Camp
you should all go check out Cataract Camp
I'm back.
Dana told me which one you were after you left, but by then it was too late...really I should have been more sociable and introduced myself...but I'm not great at that...although I got better once I'd had more to drink!