So lately I have been doing nothing but working those long LONG midnight hours and catching up on all the TV shows that I normally do not watch on my television.
Sadly my computer now does the whole TV thing for me.
I wonder if this whole TV thing is a fact that I am just getting older and that much more boring....or if TV is really just part of that whole government plan to enslave us via mind control.....or was it about those aliens taking us over and I need to get a tin foil helmet to save the world (not to mention my brain) from being eaten by aliens.......
Hulu is a plot by aliens to turn our brains into pudding. Then they eat our brains....which are now pudding.....
Did I mention I am ok with this.....ok ......just checking.................
So much for saving the world.........
Story of my life.
Sadly my computer now does the whole TV thing for me.
I wonder if this whole TV thing is a fact that I am just getting older and that much more boring....or if TV is really just part of that whole government plan to enslave us via mind control.....or was it about those aliens taking us over and I need to get a tin foil helmet to save the world (not to mention my brain) from being eaten by aliens.......
Hulu is a plot by aliens to turn our brains into pudding. Then they eat our brains....which are now pudding.....
Did I mention I am ok with this.....ok ......just checking.................
So much for saving the world.........
Story of my life.

Those commercials are great.