Ok, I am remiss for not watching the latest Joss Whedon creation.
I doubted him.....yes I will admit it.......I should be flayed at a stake......but I doubted him.
I went on the Interwebz and started to watch the DollHouse series.
I made a grave error.
I am now addicted.
I thought Burn Notice and Family Guy were bad. Then Joss Whedon fucked my brain.
I thanked him for it afterwards.
If you are not watching DollHouse, you need to go to Hulu.com and watch every episode you can.
Joss Whedon is a GENIUS!!!!!!
First Buffy, which was fun at first and then got replaced by Angel....which was the same amount of fun but even more dark and evil in plot!!!!
Then Angel hit it's final season and Firefly took over to sad reviews and a movie to appease those who can understand the method behind the madness and realized that FireFly was BETTER THEN ANGEL COULD HOPE TO BE!!!!!
Serenity hit theaters to tie up the lose ends, and basically took what would of been an incredibly long and intrisic plot and boiled it down to the sad cliffnotes version
PS. Firefly was incredible regardless of poor reviews, the dvd set isn't that expensive and you will not regret buying it!!!! If your scared, buy the movie Serenity for 9.99 and after watching that , you will want to buy the series for 20bucks and you will thank me ( I expect to see e-mails thanking me for directing you to well a written series with decent cinemetography)
Then Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, which I cannot even begin to describe the genius that went into a simple webisode taking a MUSICAL and combining it with ARTISTRY beyond what the average TV show cannot figure into an entire season. (ps. The final 30 seconds of the series BLEW MY MIND!!!!)
If you haven't seen anything by Joss Whedon then FFS check out Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (Google it), with Neil Patric (FUCKING) Harris, Nathan Fillion (for those of you who love FireFly/Serenity), and Felicia Day (Hot Red Head aka star of "The Guild" if you play World of Warcraft and don't know who this is talk to me so I can kick you in balls a few times k thx) or watch those shows that were popular for a few years like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel....you know, those shows that your friends talked about...yeah those......pay attention when the geeks tell you that this show is amazing....cause it usually is!!!
Yes, I have been embracing my inner geek lately. All being said and done, I am okay with this.
That having been said, do 2 vodka bombs (horray for redbull) and drink 2 vodka mixed drinks, then watch the orginal 3 Star Wars, followed by Serenity, followed by The Crow, then start working on a new series of acrylic paintings, and you will begin to understand where my head is at atm.
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.......
I doubted him.....yes I will admit it.......I should be flayed at a stake......but I doubted him.
I went on the Interwebz and started to watch the DollHouse series.
I made a grave error.
I am now addicted.
I thought Burn Notice and Family Guy were bad. Then Joss Whedon fucked my brain.
I thanked him for it afterwards.
If you are not watching DollHouse, you need to go to Hulu.com and watch every episode you can.
Joss Whedon is a GENIUS!!!!!!

First Buffy, which was fun at first and then got replaced by Angel....which was the same amount of fun but even more dark and evil in plot!!!!

Then Angel hit it's final season and Firefly took over to sad reviews and a movie to appease those who can understand the method behind the madness and realized that FireFly was BETTER THEN ANGEL COULD HOPE TO BE!!!!!

Serenity hit theaters to tie up the lose ends, and basically took what would of been an incredibly long and intrisic plot and boiled it down to the sad cliffnotes version

PS. Firefly was incredible regardless of poor reviews, the dvd set isn't that expensive and you will not regret buying it!!!! If your scared, buy the movie Serenity for 9.99 and after watching that , you will want to buy the series for 20bucks and you will thank me ( I expect to see e-mails thanking me for directing you to well a written series with decent cinemetography)

Then Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, which I cannot even begin to describe the genius that went into a simple webisode taking a MUSICAL and combining it with ARTISTRY beyond what the average TV show cannot figure into an entire season. (ps. The final 30 seconds of the series BLEW MY MIND!!!!)

If you haven't seen anything by Joss Whedon then FFS check out Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (Google it), with Neil Patric (FUCKING) Harris, Nathan Fillion (for those of you who love FireFly/Serenity), and Felicia Day (Hot Red Head aka star of "The Guild" if you play World of Warcraft and don't know who this is talk to me so I can kick you in balls a few times k thx) or watch those shows that were popular for a few years like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel....you know, those shows that your friends talked about...yeah those......pay attention when the geeks tell you that this show is amazing....cause it usually is!!!
Yes, I have been embracing my inner geek lately. All being said and done, I am okay with this.

That having been said, do 2 vodka bombs (horray for redbull) and drink 2 vodka mixed drinks, then watch the orginal 3 Star Wars, followed by Serenity, followed by The Crow, then start working on a new series of acrylic paintings, and you will begin to understand where my head is at atm.
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.......

it's loud on this side of the state. but maybe only for me. hows it over there?