Ok, so I am not in jail.
1 year probation
$1080.00 dollars in court costs/fines
$500.00 dollar "Driver Responsibility Fee"
30 hours of community service
some crazy 2 day 8hour a day class so "cleverly" reffered to as N.E.A.T and S.O.A.P
a MADD Victim Impact Panel ($30.00 more dollars)
30 continuous days of breathalizers at $6.00 a blow, followed by the rest of my probation with random breathalizers
a drug test, which when i took the first time was told that apparently I drink too much water and shouldn't take multivitamins and glucosamine joint supplements
not to mention $1500.00 for the lawyer.
and this kids, is why we should make sure we never, EVER get caught doing something illegal.
1 year probation
$1080.00 dollars in court costs/fines
$500.00 dollar "Driver Responsibility Fee"
30 hours of community service
some crazy 2 day 8hour a day class so "cleverly" reffered to as N.E.A.T and S.O.A.P

a MADD Victim Impact Panel ($30.00 more dollars)
30 continuous days of breathalizers at $6.00 a blow, followed by the rest of my probation with random breathalizers
a drug test, which when i took the first time was told that apparently I drink too much water and shouldn't take multivitamins and glucosamine joint supplements

not to mention $1500.00 for the lawyer.
and this kids, is why we should make sure we never, EVER get caught doing something illegal.

Things'll be tight for a bit, just keep a low profile, and you can be back up to no good soon enough...
There is always Spore to be a distraction...Not till D3 comes out, but it'll bide some time and keep you off the man's radar..