The end is nigh
Every thing that I used to worry about
Every thing that held me is about to break free....................
There is no longer a dam holding back the floodgates.
Morals, defining characteristics, these things that worried a man when he tried to fall asleep...
They are no longer here....
The do not exist....
DEMF is coming.
The wary be warned.
This weekend of electronic artistry will break out into things you can never imagine...
He who has been hidden has broken free...
Godlike flesh, slinking along the dance floor for all to sample in ways that will bind you to task....
All that know shall weep in glory....
No longer will we hide behind simple flesh and chivalric code.
Flesh is fantasy , fantasy is desire, desire is beyond comprehension
Build the funeral pyre high..That which is old is burned to ash so the new may arise in its place
Energy is movement,
is thought,
is concept,
is transfer of ideal and power and sensation in ways which has never been brought to light.
Buyer beware.
The end is nigh.
DEMF is coming.
There is no holding back....................................
I'll see you in Detroit,
on the 24th of May.
I just ran across this .....its probably old, but thats ok, these dancer are still amazing
If I ever was anything.... I was a pop locker.....
Every thing that I used to worry about
Every thing that held me is about to break free....................
There is no longer a dam holding back the floodgates.
Morals, defining characteristics, these things that worried a man when he tried to fall asleep...
They are no longer here....
The do not exist....
DEMF is coming.
The wary be warned.
This weekend of electronic artistry will break out into things you can never imagine...
He who has been hidden has broken free...
Godlike flesh, slinking along the dance floor for all to sample in ways that will bind you to task....
All that know shall weep in glory....
No longer will we hide behind simple flesh and chivalric code.
Flesh is fantasy , fantasy is desire, desire is beyond comprehension
Build the funeral pyre high..That which is old is burned to ash so the new may arise in its place
Energy is movement,
is thought,
is concept,
is transfer of ideal and power and sensation in ways which has never been brought to light.
Buyer beware.
The end is nigh.
DEMF is coming.
There is no holding back....................................
I'll see you in Detroit,
on the 24th of May.

I just ran across this .....its probably old, but thats ok, these dancer are still amazing
If I ever was anything.... I was a pop locker.....