Hrmmm, how to arrange my thoughts while I finish sobering up.
Motor City Tattoo Convention was good times. I am really glad I took the day off to go check it out. I wandered around, got to see some great artists and catch up with my friends in the industry. It was good to meet some girls I had never met before, Campbell, YoYo, Warning, Adalae, Jersey (who kicked much ass) and several others who I cannot, for the alcohol induced life of me, remember (for that I apologize). They were all sweethearts.
Met AlissaBrunelli and a few other memebers who again I can't remember (damn that wonderful wonderful vodka!!!
) If you read this, please remind me so I can regain some sense of dignity and not feel any more stupid then I already do
I enjoyed catching up with Annisa who totally ganked my black fur coat, and after sporting it finally returned it. It was also wonderful being re-introduced to Copper who I met originally at a Havana Night in Columbus Ohio, but those Havana Nights always end in blacked out alcoholic fits. Copper and Annisa both ran up and changed into Spandex which so brought be me back to my teenage years. *sigh* /nostalgia off.
And then there was the ever cute little Bathory who I haven't seen since Missy and EvanX's wedding. Always fun to see how the people on the other side of the state are fairing, and as always I enjoyed talking shop with her man, Miquel. He is a bad ass mixed martial arts instructor so we always enjoy bullshitting about whats going on in the scene locally and other little tidbits.
And in the end it was wonderful to see and be leaped upon by Meow. Always good to see her. She is freakin adorable, a true peach. I was bummed Vectrexxx didn't come along but such is life. We both got sad that the lovely Vivid had to cancel her appearance on Saturday due to a case of near death (not really but super super sick would I guess be the more factual working word). Hopefully she will be there to brighten Meow's day Sunday but alas I will not be there. I swear to christ Vivid is as hard to catch up with as a mexican jackrabbit on a 24 hour coke binge. Then again, my work schedule isn't very conducive to seeing people anyway. Horray for the graveyard shift!!!
Either way, Vivid we missed you and get well soon. As in tommorrow. Your Meow needs you.
Best story of the night! While sitting in the hotel bar, with Meow munching away on her chicken strips, she leans over and whispers how we apparently did not introduce myself as well as we should have, because several of the girls thought I was one of those "super stalker fans" who show up every once in a while.
I laughed out loud at that.
Now don't get me wrong ladies, please. As hot as you all are I will never really stalk any of you. I have far to many things on my plate to worry about stalking girls that pose for artistic pin up on the internet. Althou, I must admit, a long time ago Kira arranged it so I could "stalk Nixon from afar", but thats neither here nor there and about a 4 year old running inside joke between Kira and I.( NIXON I STILL LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!
Uggg, brain is starting to shut down. After leaving the show, and then hanging out in the hotel bar for about an hour with firstOruc Reis and Jessie, then Meow and Copper, I ended the evening with going to City Club, dancing the night away to the synthetic industrial beats. Again ran into a ton of people I haven't seen in forever, and this of course was awesome.
HAHA, God, some nights it is such an ego stroke to go there. Just doing my thing, dancing the night away by myself, its so fun to see how the little girls and boys gather round and stare, some of them practically drooling. You can practically see the wheels turning in their heads "Is he gay? Is he straight?" God I love a bit of androgyny. It is also good to know that I still "got it" when it comes to dancing in a provocative fashion. Such a guilty little pleasure. But I will enjoy the ego stroke while i can. We all need it now and again, and being stuck in a truck most of the time at work and thereby having my social life significantly reduced, I will suck up the ego stroking like a greedy little leech.
Ok, brain truly on auto pilot now. Probably going to read this post and cringe tommorrow but anyways, to everyone I met it was awesome to meet you. If I forgot to mention you I am sorry, please remind me that we spoke and I will curse the vodka some more for making me a dimwit. All in all it was a most enjoyable evening. Thank you to everyone who helped make it so.
Now if you will excuse me, my heated bed is calling to me." Sleep is God, come worship!!"
I think I will.
Motor City Tattoo Convention was good times. I am really glad I took the day off to go check it out. I wandered around, got to see some great artists and catch up with my friends in the industry. It was good to meet some girls I had never met before, Campbell, YoYo, Warning, Adalae, Jersey (who kicked much ass) and several others who I cannot, for the alcohol induced life of me, remember (for that I apologize). They were all sweethearts.
Met AlissaBrunelli and a few other memebers who again I can't remember (damn that wonderful wonderful vodka!!!

I enjoyed catching up with Annisa who totally ganked my black fur coat, and after sporting it finally returned it. It was also wonderful being re-introduced to Copper who I met originally at a Havana Night in Columbus Ohio, but those Havana Nights always end in blacked out alcoholic fits. Copper and Annisa both ran up and changed into Spandex which so brought be me back to my teenage years. *sigh* /nostalgia off.
And then there was the ever cute little Bathory who I haven't seen since Missy and EvanX's wedding. Always fun to see how the people on the other side of the state are fairing, and as always I enjoyed talking shop with her man, Miquel. He is a bad ass mixed martial arts instructor so we always enjoy bullshitting about whats going on in the scene locally and other little tidbits.
And in the end it was wonderful to see and be leaped upon by Meow. Always good to see her. She is freakin adorable, a true peach. I was bummed Vectrexxx didn't come along but such is life. We both got sad that the lovely Vivid had to cancel her appearance on Saturday due to a case of near death (not really but super super sick would I guess be the more factual working word). Hopefully she will be there to brighten Meow's day Sunday but alas I will not be there. I swear to christ Vivid is as hard to catch up with as a mexican jackrabbit on a 24 hour coke binge. Then again, my work schedule isn't very conducive to seeing people anyway. Horray for the graveyard shift!!!

Best story of the night! While sitting in the hotel bar, with Meow munching away on her chicken strips, she leans over and whispers how we apparently did not introduce myself as well as we should have, because several of the girls thought I was one of those "super stalker fans" who show up every once in a while.
I laughed out loud at that.
Now don't get me wrong ladies, please. As hot as you all are I will never really stalk any of you. I have far to many things on my plate to worry about stalking girls that pose for artistic pin up on the internet. Althou, I must admit, a long time ago Kira arranged it so I could "stalk Nixon from afar", but thats neither here nor there and about a 4 year old running inside joke between Kira and I.( NIXON I STILL LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!

Uggg, brain is starting to shut down. After leaving the show, and then hanging out in the hotel bar for about an hour with firstOruc Reis and Jessie, then Meow and Copper, I ended the evening with going to City Club, dancing the night away to the synthetic industrial beats. Again ran into a ton of people I haven't seen in forever, and this of course was awesome.
HAHA, God, some nights it is such an ego stroke to go there. Just doing my thing, dancing the night away by myself, its so fun to see how the little girls and boys gather round and stare, some of them practically drooling. You can practically see the wheels turning in their heads "Is he gay? Is he straight?" God I love a bit of androgyny. It is also good to know that I still "got it" when it comes to dancing in a provocative fashion. Such a guilty little pleasure. But I will enjoy the ego stroke while i can. We all need it now and again, and being stuck in a truck most of the time at work and thereby having my social life significantly reduced, I will suck up the ego stroking like a greedy little leech.
Ok, brain truly on auto pilot now. Probably going to read this post and cringe tommorrow but anyways, to everyone I met it was awesome to meet you. If I forgot to mention you I am sorry, please remind me that we spoke and I will curse the vodka some more for making me a dimwit. All in all it was a most enjoyable evening. Thank you to everyone who helped make it so.
Now if you will excuse me, my heated bed is calling to me." Sleep is God, come worship!!"
I think I will.

i didn't know you made it to havanna nights. when is the next time you're going to be able to come to one again? i'm going to the next one if this shitty ass snow actually stops. it's my birthday and i don't want to spend it sitting at home doing nothing. i need one night of freedom before it's all taken away from me again.
going to college and so many other major life responsibilities are going to trap me soon and i'm just dreading it. even though i know it's for the best that i go to school i'm not really all that excited about it anymore.
love ya