Feeling worse today... I really have no focus at all. There so much I should know but so much I don't. I know I can learn it its just I don't have the inclination.

I really am just mentally drifting now. My wife knows I must start hunting for a new job, but fuck I can't be arse. Nothing out there really appears to be...
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thank you very much for the time, support, comments and love on my new set.
Feeling deeply negative right now. Had a good and shit evening all rolled into one.
I'm really suffering from low self esteem at the moment. And I seriously don't know what the hell to do. I feel like my career is in shreds, I just don't ever seem to get anywhere. I sort of think I'm good at what I do and take pains to...
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Kate Upton Does the Cat Daddy Official Uncut
Dunno who kate upton is and i don't care but this is a bit of a choice one

I have googled her and I'm still not that interested in her or her life
Putting up the pre mastectomy pic of my wife was pretty bad of me. I see no difference between her how and then other than some scars and no boobies. She on the other hand sees something entirely different than I do.

Sorry love i won't do it again, my bad. I didn't mean to make you feel shitty far from it. Just me being...
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The Sugarcubes - Hit an amazing track

Its one of those tracks that really brings back memories for me. At the time I was having an affair... well no I was the other man. She was a Commodities Trader as UBS Warburg - I was the scruffy bit of rough, her fiance a hard man Senior Securities Broker for some US based bank here in...
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So my daughters favourite band at this time is Aqua

The two of them are prancing around right now

I have to say I approve... as pop wallpaper goes Aqua was good, inoffensive and amusing - with a hint of cheesy sexiness to boot.

I fancied Lene Nystrom like there was no tomorrow (still do)... if she turned up at my front door and said....
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Well another weeks gone by and its been a bit of a manky one.
I had a pretty bad chest infection and it seems to have affected other bits of me too. I had such a terrible pain in my right side, roughly where my liver and kidney is. It was so painful for an hour or so I was lying on the floor contemplating...
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SOrry to hear about your healthy pb! i hope you feel better now!
Well, I haven't achieved much today other than read cartoons... Work was oh! so boring the only good thing the on going story of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage to keep me going. Got a couple of books arriving tomorrow... one on functional programming the other on Service patterns. Wow I do read some interesting stuff don't I. My eldest started a new school this...
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What does house points mean? What do they go to I mean sorry?
Congrats on her being such a success!