Well another weeks gone by and its been a bit of a manky one.
I had a pretty bad chest infection and it seems to have affected other bits of me too. I had such a terrible pain in my right side, roughly where my liver and kidney is. It was so painful for an hour or so I was lying on the floor contemplating calling emergency services and getting myself carted off to hospital. But then the pain subsided a bit and I was able to crawl up the stairs and into bed.
Just before that i had the worlds weirdest vomiting session. You know the feeling you get when you have the dry heaves and all of the saliva etc used to lubricate the vomit on the way out fills your mouth. Well I had that but it was running like a tap, I leant forward, opened my mouth and all this saliva/water/clear stuff gushed (and i do mean gushed) out. It was very odd.
When you get pretty ill it makes you really consider your own mortality. We've had a shit year for worries about mortality as a family - what with my wife having stage 3c cancer (and recovering) last thing we need is for me to get fucked up.
I need to start searching for a new job , I've only got six weeks of my current one to run and I need to find something pretty quickly. The downside is is that July/August is going to be pretty shite. I only live just under a mile for the main Olympic venue here in London, there is no way public transport is going to be able to cope. During rush our the amount of utter cunts there are on the tube is amazing. Unfortunately, it all the impolite, low cast immigrants from the third world who flock to London cos they think they'll get a better life and income... its only cos the Brits are too lazy and greedy to do the underclass jobs that we have to have so much immigrant labour - but then I wouldn't want to spend my day picking shit up off the streets of London. So roll on July August, when the weather will be sticky shitty and they'll be loads of gormless grumpy motherfuckers clogging the tube.
Anyway I need to cheer myself up
I had a pretty bad chest infection and it seems to have affected other bits of me too. I had such a terrible pain in my right side, roughly where my liver and kidney is. It was so painful for an hour or so I was lying on the floor contemplating calling emergency services and getting myself carted off to hospital. But then the pain subsided a bit and I was able to crawl up the stairs and into bed.
Just before that i had the worlds weirdest vomiting session. You know the feeling you get when you have the dry heaves and all of the saliva etc used to lubricate the vomit on the way out fills your mouth. Well I had that but it was running like a tap, I leant forward, opened my mouth and all this saliva/water/clear stuff gushed (and i do mean gushed) out. It was very odd.
When you get pretty ill it makes you really consider your own mortality. We've had a shit year for worries about mortality as a family - what with my wife having stage 3c cancer (and recovering) last thing we need is for me to get fucked up.
I need to start searching for a new job , I've only got six weeks of my current one to run and I need to find something pretty quickly. The downside is is that July/August is going to be pretty shite. I only live just under a mile for the main Olympic venue here in London, there is no way public transport is going to be able to cope. During rush our the amount of utter cunts there are on the tube is amazing. Unfortunately, it all the impolite, low cast immigrants from the third world who flock to London cos they think they'll get a better life and income... its only cos the Brits are too lazy and greedy to do the underclass jobs that we have to have so much immigrant labour - but then I wouldn't want to spend my day picking shit up off the streets of London. So roll on July August, when the weather will be sticky shitty and they'll be loads of gormless grumpy motherfuckers clogging the tube.
Anyway I need to cheer myself up
So next week I've got to start job hunting again.... I know for sure I not going to work in financial services ever again as I can't stick the pretentious, fuckwitted dopes who actual think they know something about creating software reather than the big balls of mud I have to contend with.
Ho hum there you go Hope every one is well

SOrry to hear about your healthy pb! i hope you feel better now!