UberGeek Alert... Barsoom eh! John Carter Eh! Frank Frazetta gonna make a big comeback this year... so fucking looking forward to it. John Carter was 14-16 for me, I'd done Tolkien, had enough of Conan, Red Sonja and Fritz Leiber...
Dejah Thoris, Carthoris, Thuvia Tars Tarkas and the Warhoons, GIve me my Radium Pistol, My Sabre and saddle my Thoat... I'll be glued to the big screen this summer.
Dejah Thoris, Carthoris, Thuvia Tars Tarkas and the Warhoons, GIve me my Radium Pistol, My Sabre and saddle my Thoat... I'll be glued to the big screen this summer.