I had a bit of a ruck with a trucker this morning... I was using a zebra crossing (pedestrian crossing -crosswalks according to wikipedia for the US). No traffic, then a truck pull up and honks his horn, I tell him to "Fuck off cunt - read the traffic laws", so he honks again and revs his engine. I was in a bit of a lary mood anyway, my foot was hurting and I'd just dropped my youngest daughter off at nursery and she was a bit clingy (its not nice leaving when a child's unhappy). So I stand in front of a 50ton Scammell truck, looking at a big fat reject from the Aryan Nation with a black vest, Shinehead and bad blue tatts, going c'mon cunt wanna go for it. He stopped revving his engine, it went quiet, I'm staring at him he's staring at me. Then the moment popped, I flicked him the V's and stomped off to work.
Leaving work today, walking down from the Bank, across London Bridge looking as the pastel yellow horizon fading in shades of light blue to indigo, watching a 'plane circle waiting to land at Gatwick or Heathrow, the Shard in its last stages of being built, I felt rather good. I got to the Borough station and listened to a rather mediocre conversation while I walk down the stairs to meet my wife (remember this is London).
Young bloke 1 - "Obama's using social media for his campaign"
Young Bloke 2 - "Has it gone viral yet"
Only in London eh! Another conversation on the tube. "Are your bit stubbly", "yeh! I'll have a shave when I get home", "Thats good cos I really wanna go down on you" Actually, that was me to my wife. I hope if some one over heard it, it made them smirk or something.
On the effects of chemo - did you know that for the first three days after Chemo has been administered you have to use a condon during sex or a dental dam, Reason because the chemo drugs can be passed from the vaginal walls to the other person. BTW you don't feel sick, ill, tired for the first four days after the chemo treatment, by the fifth day your so fucked you don't want sex. That's not me by the way thats from the official NHS Chemo booklet ( and my wife's personal experience)
Leaving work today, walking down from the Bank, across London Bridge looking as the pastel yellow horizon fading in shades of light blue to indigo, watching a 'plane circle waiting to land at Gatwick or Heathrow, the Shard in its last stages of being built, I felt rather good. I got to the Borough station and listened to a rather mediocre conversation while I walk down the stairs to meet my wife (remember this is London).
Young bloke 1 - "Obama's using social media for his campaign"
Young Bloke 2 - "Has it gone viral yet"
Only in London eh! Another conversation on the tube. "Are your bit stubbly", "yeh! I'll have a shave when I get home", "Thats good cos I really wanna go down on you" Actually, that was me to my wife. I hope if some one over heard it, it made them smirk or something.
On the effects of chemo - did you know that for the first three days after Chemo has been administered you have to use a condon during sex or a dental dam, Reason because the chemo drugs can be passed from the vaginal walls to the other person. BTW you don't feel sick, ill, tired for the first four days after the chemo treatment, by the fifth day your so fucked you don't want sex. That's not me by the way thats from the official NHS Chemo booklet ( and my wife's personal experience)
I hate the tubes, I was in london a few weeks ago for an event, but was glad to get back out of town, I used to commute into london all the time for work, do not miss it at all

I have a pretty good group of friends who blog bras, they may know where to find some nicer ones, I will have a chat with them tomorrow and find out if they know. xx