well christmas is over, the people who we were gonna buy a cat off shit out on us... the kids don't know yet but thats there christmas fucked. Don't go buying a cat from pushtun motherfuckers, twats didn't even know that christmas was going on around them... for fuck sake the UK may be sort of secular but its still got christmas shit everywhere. Somethimes...
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as the worlds about to end me n the missus are gonna fuck like bonobos on heat
I want a holiday Bit tired at the moment been up since 4am keep on waking in the early hours. I'm fucking bored and pissed off I so want a holiday. somewhere in the Med, warm hot sunny and relaxed with good food
I do love looking at bits, I do find the quality of them absolutely gorgeous, fascinating and well just amazing... all are unique and have such beautiful qualities, women are so lucky yes I do now about all the other stuff that goes with them, but I'm a man so I selectively choose not to think and use tautology
how should I manage living with an alcoholic partner... I'm at that point where I just want to give up
well back working now that the kids have returned to school. other than that and saving for our first holiday in three years is my big things at the moment. Roll on April and a fortnight in Barcelona in a kids club hotel, it'll keep the kids occupied, so that the missus and I can reconnect and fuck our brains out.
Hey, thanks for your comment on my blog. I got the underwear on Figleaves.com 

nuclear family in the east end... its a fucking shit I can tell you, too skint for childcare too well off for help from the state. Caught between the cracks of fuck off and fucked up. No family to help, nowt from local gov. Fucking fuck fuck fuck. no money to go anywhere everything is fucking expensive and no one to help. meh! its a...
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Well I didn't get the job... which may be a good thing.. but I'm pissed about the lack of feedback the only comment was "weak in my area of specialism" which given that published authorities in that area of specialism don't think I'm weak has served to piss me off. Boils down to face didn't fit. That's what it really is all about in the...
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I am sorry to hear you didn't get the job.. but if they don't see what they have in front of them then it is their loss..
I think we should just stay up and watch junk tv together!

I think we should just stay up and watch junk tv together!
Lifes taken a bit of a pissy turn tonight... bit shit order but there y fucking go. wednesday i got a big fuck off job interview with a major player hope i don't balls it up
So today I have physically started writing my book. I've finally narrowed the concept, and have narrowed the focus. So for the elevator, its a study of the recent growth in software development business practices from a Economic theory and Sociological theory, with a side order of Organisational Psychology. the strategy innovation and leadership for bringing changes. There will be diversions into history, the rise...
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The final nub of it will be how to identify, challenge and evolve poorly educated low grade senior management who are actually holding back growth and change in the workplace.
You should post excerpts that you write here.

You should post excerpts that you write here.