I find my mind is most alive in the hours just before bedtime. It's the only time it roams free outside of the crushing drudgery and conformity of living. The fact that my mind can still be free is unquestionably a good thing. However the fact that I can't remember any of these incredible insights/flights of fancy* in the morning really REALLY FUCKS ME OFF. I guess I'll have to start wrting them down.
*Delete as applicable
In other news, got a Nintendo DS today, however thinking about Tsui's beautiful belly and stunning breasts (all English words for breast/boobs/tits are indubitably shit, in fact all English words for any sex organs are shit - FACT) is putting me right off my lap times on Mariokart DS. Ah well
*Delete as applicable
In other news, got a Nintendo DS today, however thinking about Tsui's beautiful belly and stunning breasts (all English words for breast/boobs/tits are indubitably shit, in fact all English words for any sex organs are shit - FACT) is putting me right off my lap times on Mariokart DS. Ah well
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set!

hell yeah!! thanx a lot!!!!