Well everything went wrong as predicted by so many and my move to the capital was a really bad idea, but I fucking love it. Its been one of the most educational and eye opening experiences of my life so far and I'mnot backing down, not yet not by a long shot. Hood up, head down and roll with he punches and hopefully soon when the bruises have gone down and the bloods stopped flowing from my swollen lip I'll find what I've been looking for and I hope anyone who reads this will take a second to think about there lives and the struggles and the highs and lows and just smile for a second on some spark of memory or thought that makes you feel good and hang onto it for a day and look at te world with a fresh eyes. Yes I am drunk right now, but hell who isn't right?
More Blogs
Thursday Nov 23, 2006
Read More -
Tuesday Nov 21, 2006
Well just a quick update, may have landed a job at MTV if all goes we… -
Thursday Nov 16, 2006
Well London is a shit, its official, been here nearly three months no… -
Tuesday Oct 24, 2006
the new site is up and running kids, ch ch check it out!! The Playgro… -
Saturday Oct 21, 2006
Words! Well I went to the most pretentious bar in the world ever last… -
Tuesday Oct 17, 2006
Hello again, so its tuesday now and I feel a bit rough but its all go… -
Saturday Oct 14, 2006
Hey everyone, well what a start to the weekend........ I was invited … -
Thursday Oct 12, 2006
Well its the middle of the night now and my fingers are bleeding and … -
Sunday Oct 08, 2006
Words everyone. Its Sunday and I'm bored out of my fucking skull but … -
Monday Oct 02, 2006
Wordly words!! Well its my first month in the big smoke (london) …