Hey everyone, well what a start to the weekend........ I was invited to a house party yesterday, not far away on the tube and two of my housemates were going so i showered shaved and put on my finest hoodie and saggin jeans and headed over, I was told there were a hundred or so people there so I was expecting it to be a good night with much drinking and fucking about. So an hour after I leave and some bus and tube mis calculations later I arrive and sure enough there is a good 100 people there....... all wearing shirts and the odd tie and suit jacket, all educated at oxford or cambridge and all with the same distasteful look in their eyes when a tatooed scruffy little nobody entered the midst of the fray. It was like being at school again but my friends liked it so I stuck at it for the duration, many jokes were made about my atire and many snooty looks were given with the eventual brawl breaking out, however it did not involve me, two really posh guys began scuffling and eventually about 6 of em joined in, was possibly the highlight of my weekend until I got involved through the medium of laughing to loud at the raucus. So now I am on a mission to find normal decent people in London, hell a good bar would do without all the prada and doorman atelling me i'm not suitably dressed, what the hell is wrong with the world, I thought all that passed when I was 12 but apparently people in their late twenties are more judgemental than the 12 year olds who used to call me "hippy" when they saw me on my skateboard, now this long rant brings me to my question, are situations always the same all over the world or is there a city/country/bar somewhere on this fucking huge rock that has let differences between people go and eveyone just has a good time?