My last day of student teaching was a tragic mix of emotions..........I was soooo happy to be finished my placement and degree, but I really didn't want to leave my students. I fell in love with them over the nine weeks I was at the school, and even though I had to use my 'teacher voice' quite often, they really became attached to me as well. Each student had their interesting personality tweaks and you could sort of see what kind of person they would become in the future. They are all so interesting! Also, it was nice to be able to counsel a lot of the Grade Six girls on puberty/academic issues. Being a 12 year old girl is TOUGH! I feel honoured that they confided in me and asked my advice about which junior high to attend next year. A lot of the Grade Ones didn't understand why I was leaving, I did my best to explain, and I promised to visit
ooooo I loved my student teaching - teaching music, I basically got to teach all of the students in the school.
I'm moving in a few days.............have not begun to I am not stressed about this.................yes I am lying.................AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Did I mention I'm still doing my catering job that I HATE! But only for the rest of the week- then adios!
So something exciting has happened........Matty and I are back in couple really just happened and it's quite wonderful! We were spending quite a bit of time together and we have been very close since we broke up - it was just right
We've both grown so much in this last year, we needed the time apart to experience other people and learn about ourselves. We have definitely been heading back to this in the last month, and I was quite happy with it, but didn't want to rush in......the last time we almost got back together I pulled him in so many directions......I was not happy with myself for treating him like that. I wish I had come to a decision earlier this time, and been the one to bring it up...ah well, that doesn't matter.
The only thing though is - I want to tell my family about it - but I feel I need to wait because I only told them a week ago that 'new boy' and I were over (and new boy and I never actually talked about that - we just stopped talking all together for some reason lol) so I don't want to come off as being on a rebound.....
Actually, I kinda hate telling ANYONE because I really sound like a floozy when I discuss my love life of the last few months....
O I am so happy right now! It's so nice now that we both live on our own and can spend the night together!
In other news: I will be leaving for choir tour on Saturday (yup 2 days after I move - nope not stressed) and gone until May 3rd. My first rugby game is May 6th and I am soooo not ready for it.
My last day of student teaching was a tragic mix of emotions..........I was soooo happy to be finished my placement and degree, but I really didn't want to leave my students. I fell in love with them over the nine weeks I was at the school, and even though I had to use my 'teacher voice' quite often, they really became attached to me as well. Each student had their interesting personality tweaks and you could sort of see what kind of person they would become in the future. They are all so interesting! Also, it was nice to be able to counsel a lot of the Grade Six girls on puberty/academic issues. Being a 12 year old girl is TOUGH! I feel honoured that they confided in me and asked my advice about which junior high to attend next year. A lot of the Grade Ones didn't understand why I was leaving, I did my best to explain, and I promised to visit

I'm moving in a few days.............have not begun to I am not stressed about this.................yes I am lying.................AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Did I mention I'm still doing my catering job that I HATE! But only for the rest of the week- then adios!
So something exciting has happened........Matty and I are back in couple really just happened and it's quite wonderful! We were spending quite a bit of time together and we have been very close since we broke up - it was just right

The only thing though is - I want to tell my family about it - but I feel I need to wait because I only told them a week ago that 'new boy' and I were over (and new boy and I never actually talked about that - we just stopped talking all together for some reason lol) so I don't want to come off as being on a rebound.....
Actually, I kinda hate telling ANYONE because I really sound like a floozy when I discuss my love life of the last few months....
O I am so happy right now! It's so nice now that we both live on our own and can spend the night together!

In other news: I will be leaving for choir tour on Saturday (yup 2 days after I move - nope not stressed) and gone until May 3rd. My first rugby game is May 6th and I am soooo not ready for it.
thank you...
...dont you hate this weather?
