that profile pic is actually a retread from another board but i thought some changes were in order around here.

it contains a very bad pun on a major cereal brand and serves as a pictogram for my alternate identity.

often i think my entire online participation consists of bad puns and inside jokes to myself without the requisite level of schizphrenia to fully appreciate...
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i'm trying to remember where the starwood is (was) - l.a. or elsewhere? the name is familiar but i probably didn't go there if i can't remember (yeah right, like that would be the only reason why my memory fades - ha!)

i don't know who crash darby is, or vice versa. clue me in. as for references about the old days from young'uns in this place, i've learned how mythologies get formed... wink

glad there's someone else here who was around to see all the greats live. i saw too many to list in the 70s, but some highlights are bowie as ziggy stardust and again as aladdin sane, the lamb lies down on broadway (last gig with peter gabriel fronting genesis) at the shrine, and queen during their 'day at the opera' tour with a feisty freddie mercury in perfect health. ahh, the memories.
hey, can you recommend a good middle eastern restaurant in la? I'm totally jonsing for tabouli and baba ganoush......
god, i have a lot of work i should be doing.
3 different projects; one i've already been paid for, one on spec, and one that i sort of owe. and i haven't much of a clue about any of them.

so instead i'm composing somewhat banal pop song lyrics with a horribly restrictive rhyme scheme based on an unnamed sg's journal post.

that's what...
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smile thank you!
hit me baby one more time?
getting your car stolen in my neighborhood whisks you uncermoniously into a netherworld of victimization by;

the thief
the police
the dept. of trans
the dmv
the parking viol. bureau

they all seem to think i stole it myself for the privelige of bothering them and giving them money.

just sayin'
i just wanted to say thank you for the amazing desktops... smile
edited for removal since i used the wrong bloody box.

i'm going for coffee.

[Edited on Jan 04, 2004 4:24PM]
i have an addictive personality.
i've proven it.
i seem to be dialing up SG an awful lot.
good thing i have to work tonight.
i went public so i could post some hype.
i feel like a crazy ass = 2ble crass.

it's nice here but i probably can't afford to hang around so hello and goodbye.
blink and i've missed you.