That rain last night was weird. For reasons probably much more intriguing if left unsaid, I spent a good deal of time outside. While it never rained hard, I stayed consistently soaked, and, since I've never mastered the technique, always forgot to cover my hood within my coat and then forgot I hadn't done that, resulting in an almost permanent dripping dog look. Some hipster kids thought I might be an old perv chasing their underage girlfriends and were ready to jump me 3 to 1 when I was just trying to ask if they were moving a van since I was badly in need of parking. Apparently, I don't need no masks.
Woah! Hello. Hot haggard lesbians
Hope life is treating you well. You have a month of being here, if ou wanna keep in touch hit me up.

hahaha. i know, right? wtf....