i have read it fucking all now, my reason to exist is now at an end. I have made some seriously wrong career choices this should have been the one that I chose. Shampoo technician and a state licesened one to boot. How the fuck to you convince someone that that is a career option.
"Now, young fella me lad, I reallly think you should choose to become a shampoo tech,
think of it, the glamour, the lifestyle, prunelike fingers, innane chat. It's difficult you know
just the kind of challenge a boy like you needs.
You do realise that you have to get the temerature just right per customer, and the scalp massaging
think of al the people who'll praise you for that. But its not without its danger, my boy. There are headlice to contend with, knots, dandruff - you do realise you can get dandruffosis from breathing in the particulates, you'll need insurance and safety equipment.
Its not a job for the timid or those lacking confidence. And in years to come you'll graduate to being senior hair cleansing technologist with a team of tech and trainees underneath you."
Fucking hell if my careers teacher said that to me I'd have shit in my pants I'd'v laughed so hard. As such all he did say to me was. Boy you'll be taking Queens Requlations one way or the other, its either prison or the army for you. In hind sight I'd wish he'd told me about shampoo teching my life would have been so less dificult.
Just thing at the grand age of 43 I'd be stand there looking over the sinks making sure my boys and girls did a good job, no yelps as heads were either scalded or chilled cos they didn't get the temp right, god I feel like a failure. Just think of the hell I put my poor wife through, having to get dressed up for corporate events, putting the children through the hell of the company trips to see Santa. My wife having to suffer the innane chatter from other senior managers, Exec Directors and Board Memebers wives. Shit I'm a cruel man. No more freebe trips to europe cos I'm on an extended work in France Italy Greece or Switzerland and i mean the possibility that we may have to go to Dubai - you fucker I hear you all screaming, you fucking evil bastard - just think she'd never have to suffer all that is weren't such selfish bastard and had become a hair tech instead of being a software programmer.
"Now, young fella me lad, I reallly think you should choose to become a shampoo tech,
think of it, the glamour, the lifestyle, prunelike fingers, innane chat. It's difficult you know
just the kind of challenge a boy like you needs.
You do realise that you have to get the temerature just right per customer, and the scalp massaging
think of al the people who'll praise you for that. But its not without its danger, my boy. There are headlice to contend with, knots, dandruff - you do realise you can get dandruffosis from breathing in the particulates, you'll need insurance and safety equipment.
Its not a job for the timid or those lacking confidence. And in years to come you'll graduate to being senior hair cleansing technologist with a team of tech and trainees underneath you."
Fucking hell if my careers teacher said that to me I'd have shit in my pants I'd'v laughed so hard. As such all he did say to me was. Boy you'll be taking Queens Requlations one way or the other, its either prison or the army for you. In hind sight I'd wish he'd told me about shampoo teching my life would have been so less dificult.
Just thing at the grand age of 43 I'd be stand there looking over the sinks making sure my boys and girls did a good job, no yelps as heads were either scalded or chilled cos they didn't get the temp right, god I feel like a failure. Just think of the hell I put my poor wife through, having to get dressed up for corporate events, putting the children through the hell of the company trips to see Santa. My wife having to suffer the innane chatter from other senior managers, Exec Directors and Board Memebers wives. Shit I'm a cruel man. No more freebe trips to europe cos I'm on an extended work in France Italy Greece or Switzerland and i mean the possibility that we may have to go to Dubai - you fucker I hear you all screaming, you fucking evil bastard - just think she'd never have to suffer all that is weren't such selfish bastard and had become a hair tech instead of being a software programmer.
<3 Succor <3