hey, havent updated for a while, but ive been busy. started back to college this week which was fun!
went out to the pub last night only to find it was closed for lack of staff
so we ended up going to a party deciding half way not to go and ended up in a steak house drinking long island ice tea! well at least i got to see some friends i dont see that often, so wasnt all bad.
im going to go buy some tequila and go to my friends cos she has a free house, and were all hopefully going to get really drunk
yay the fun of aclohol induced blindness!
went out to the pub last night only to find it was closed for lack of staff

im going to go buy some tequila and go to my friends cos she has a free house, and were all hopefully going to get really drunk

yea the adge is cool somtimes only if ur drunk enough lol