we're playing a gig with no comply and fire apple red!!!! yes!!
ok, so where first on and its an allday gig, but still.
everyone who reads this should come. its on the 27th of march, in basingstoke at silks. its 8 and all the money goes to the tsunami fund thing.
doors are at 1pm, and it goes on till late. probablt about 1am,...
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ok, so where first on and its an allday gig, but still.
everyone who reads this should come. its on the 27th of march, in basingstoke at silks. its 8 and all the money goes to the tsunami fund thing.
doors are at 1pm, and it goes on till late. probablt about 1am,...
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Send more paramedics were amazing, but only played for about half an hour
but they were great!
and there playing again in two weeks with tiger army so cant wait to see them again.
the peel was a little annoying to find so im glad i met some friends on the way who knew where it was, other wise i would never have found it.

and there playing again in two weeks with tiger army so cant wait to see them again.
the peel was a little annoying to find so im glad i met some friends on the way who knew where it was, other wise i would never have found it.
hell yeah, iceskating, and shit! or i'll stay home along.. one of the two..either will be lovely
i'll check it out. ares is a music sharing program

i'll check it out. ares is a music sharing program
god, i know!! i have very mean friends! which is why im glad i found friends outside school, in town and stuff, cos otherwise id get very stressed!
havent been up to much really, saw the antimaniax on sat, they were great, and seeing them again hopefully next sat for the household name christmas thingy.

i hope the gigs were fun...lucky!!
havent updated for ages, so i might aswell. done quite a lot when i think about it.
my band played our first gig on hallowen. went wellish. not many people seemed that interested, but i only heard good things. and got ourselvs two gigs really soon and a possible split cd which would be fun.
been to quite a few gigs recently, mad caddies in...
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my band played our first gig on hallowen. went wellish. not many people seemed that interested, but i only heard good things. and got ourselvs two gigs really soon and a possible split cd which would be fun.
been to quite a few gigs recently, mad caddies in...
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i just filled out that dating profile thingy. probably pointless but hey.
i cant wait till hallowen! im having a huge (HUGE) party, and my band is playing a mifits tribute set. it will be great. so if anyone is from near baingstoke and wants to come, let me know and ill tell you where it is
i cant wait till hallowen! im having a huge (HUGE) party, and my band is playing a mifits tribute set. it will be great. so if anyone is from near baingstoke and wants to come, let me know and ill tell you where it is

so are you saying you saw the mad caddies at concorde 2 in brighton?
omg. then that must mean it was the same date. seriously weird.
tell me your joiking
omg. then that must mean it was the same date. seriously weird.
tell me your joiking
ioooooh and the party sounded fun, but im reading this too late plus i have no idea where basingstoke is. dumb me
just got back from the pub, and i was drinking diet coke(i was driving and there wasn't really an alternative) i try not to drink coke if i can help it, not really because of the taste, but cos coca cola are a bunch of ares holes. ok ill stop before i get too annoyed.
anyway, everyone else was pissed and it was annoying cos...
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anyway, everyone else was pissed and it was annoying cos...
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told my friends this profile cmes up if you google waltflanagansdog so,
hi james. hows it hanging?
so bored, tyred but i cant sleep. its so annoying!!
hi james. hows it hanging?
so bored, tyred but i cant sleep. its so annoying!!
i got a car on friday! its so great to be able to drive. i did over 100 miles today!
although im happy with my car im kinda annoyed at the world in general and have really low self esteem at the moment. mer. ok im moaning but i dont care. im keeping it to myself, other than posting on the internet, so i...
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i got a car on friday! its so great to be able to drive. i did over 100 miles today!
although im happy with my car im kinda annoyed at the world in general and have really low self esteem at the moment. mer. ok im moaning but i dont care. im keeping it to myself, other than posting on the internet, so i...
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egh im hung over! it annoying. and i didnt even drink that many spirits! but i have lemonade so its making my troubles go away.
get to see the filaments tonight which will be cool. we were meant to be playing tonight, but alas, we didnt practice enough and had to pull out. but it will be really fun and great! i love the filaments!

get to see the filaments tonight which will be cool. we were meant to be playing tonight, but alas, we didnt practice enough and had to pull out. but it will be really fun and great! i love the filaments!

you like sum gooooodass bands

hey, havent updated for a while, but ive been busy. started back to college this week which was fun!
went out to the pub last night only to find it was closed for lack of staff
so we ended up going to a party deciding half way not to go and ended up in a steak house drinking long island ice tea! well at least...
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went out to the pub last night only to find it was closed for lack of staff

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yea the adge is cool somtimes only if ur drunk enough lol
hi, just got back from reading fest which was great apart from some really big let downs.
one of my friends was assulted walking through yellow camp and had to spend pretty much her whole day with the police. there are some real assholes out there!
sic of it all were amazing, best band of the weekend for me. i forgot how much i cactually...
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one of my friends was assulted walking through yellow camp and had to spend pretty much her whole day with the police. there are some real assholes out there!
sic of it all were amazing, best band of the weekend for me. i forgot how much i cactually...
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reading fest was so good this year. Oo i know someone from basingstoke
[Edited on Sep 10, 2004 4:34PM]
[Edited on Sep 10, 2004 4:34PM]
i went on Fri and Sun! The Distillers were amazing shes so hott!!i live in Camberley lol