First day of recording over. Drum's only done, but based on practises, "The Sleeper Has Awakened" and "Whatever The Hell The Second Song's Called" look to be my new favourite Ix songs. (Biased? Moi? Aye, most likely!, doesnae mean I'm wrang!)
Currently Bongfucked in Embra listening to Doom!

I'm so seksay!
P.S. This new website layout is awful, and a pain to navigate at anything less than 50% optimal capacity.
Currently Bongfucked in Embra listening to Doom!

I'm so seksay!
P.S. This new website layout is awful, and a pain to navigate at anything less than 50% optimal capacity.
I like all of those, I didn't think you liked beer though! I thought you liked lager.